Chapter 2

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The bunker was located far from civilization because no one else but the people already here knew about it.

Trees,dead grass, and a dirt road is all i saw for miles in the car. The car reached a clearing.

A wide buliding maybe 30 feet tall stood in the center.

The car parcked and as I stepped out the car the I already see hundereds of people gathering around the bunker's hatch.

Microphones and speakers are set up all around.

Sercurity stood by him as he spoke. He was reading off a thick pack of paper.

I turned to my father and asked "what are they doing?" he turned his attention off the man and leaned down towards me.

"His name is Markus Smith,a  government leader. He's going over laws and how we'll live in the bunker." my father whispered.

Turning his attention towrads Markus once again,I decide to listen also.

"From the cinders we will grow from the ashes humanity will rise!" he said throwing his hands into the air.

Applause and cheers we sounded at the end of his speech. It was hetic, people shoved forward closer to Markus. Wich meant security had to push back.

My father grabbed my elbow and lead me away back to the cars.

The hot Californian sun blazed above. I didn't mind it. I let it soak into my skin. Abosorbing the feeling.

I knew this was possibly one of my last chances to get a sun burn. I would stand here all day just to feel the sun.

My brother pulled my out of my thoughts. "Octavia..." he trailed off not finishing his scentence. He stood next to me, looking up at the beautiful blue sky.

He didn't need say anyrhing. I knew everthing was in the bunker now,but I couldnt leave,I did not want to.

After a few minutes of my brother and I watching the sky, thats when it changed.

The wind picked up,the sun looked a dark red and it tainted the clouds a differnt shade.

Alarms bursted to life. People began to panic.

A voice came through the speakers.
"Attention bunker residents, begin evacuation inside the bunker immediately. Anyone who is not inside within 10 minuties will be left outside."

People gathered around the hatch quickly. The wind blew hard by the time my family was the last ones to get in. It was dark,not like night,but as if someone poured blood into the atomoshpere.

"Get in now!" said one of the assistance who helped people in. I looked back at the earth one last time. Getting its display in my head.

Alarms were still blaring as I stepped down into the hatch. I stepped down the stone stairs as the bunker was sealed. Shutting off all contact to the surface.

That was it. My last 19 years on earth.

Once inside I then realzied how many people were really in here.

The bunker was huge. It stetched for maybe 2 whole miles i heard my parents discuss once and it ran deep underground.

Its wall were dark grey and white lights hung above us.

Down the wide hall we all walked  down were flags of different countrys that hung from small poles attached to the walls.

At the end was two large doors. We all stopped as Markus came into view ay the front of the doors.

His hands met each behind his back. He smiled and waved his hand. "Ladies and gentle men." he signlaed at two guards to open the door.

"Welcome home." the doors opened and people rushed in.

Home? This is it,this is mankinds new home.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling came, catching everyone off guard. The lights shook and items fell over.

Every one looked up. Realization hit me. The earth above us was being destroyed. Anything not in this bunker would be wiped out,world wide.

The bunker shook again sending people to theirs knees ducking if the bunker should not hold.

The world shall perish in waves of radiation and nuclear weather. This, this event was caused by the planets most deadly animal. Humans.

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