Chapter 1

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Long Distance Relationship 01

" Victoria Diamond ! " Mom called downstairs

" Im coming ! " I called back and put my shoes on.

After tying it, i got my bag over my shoulders, my phone in my hand and I ran downstairs.

Mom is sitting on the couch. When she sees me, she stood up and went outside the house.

I follow her after I lock the door and hopped in the front seat.

When my phone beeped, I got excited.

I looked at my screen and smiled

From : Love

Victoria my love. Good Morning.

I giggled and replied Niall a good morning too.

Okay, you might be wondering what am I in Niall Horan's life. Well you know, we met at their concert last 2 years and starting that day, we hang out together in private, ofcourse and then he asked me to be his girlfriend last year and I said yes . Only the boys of 1D , their manager and staffs knows about our relationship. I didn't tell mom because she can't keep secrets so as my dad. Oh and yeah, our relationship is hidden and its Long Distance Relationship by the way. He's on tour right now,

" What's with the grin ? " mom asks me as she drive.

I locked my phone and shook my head " Nothing, " I told her.

Mom didn't reply. My mom works as a chef at an chinese restaurant while my dad works as an branch manager. I have one older brother, Vax. He's 22 and Im 20.

" Where did Vax slept ? " I ask mom

" He slept at Stacey's . I really am sure that Vax isn't virgin anymore. " She told me and shook her head

I chuckled. Stacey is Vax's girl or sex buddy ? I dunno. They've been together since last 3 months and then Vax told me that Stacey was good in bed and they usually do this everytime they saw each other or when they feel horny. What an actual fuck. And then Vax told me that he lost his virginity with some random slut at his 18th birthday.

" Yeah, he told me. " I told mom

" Told you what ? " she asks

" That he isn't a virgin anymore. " i spill

" Oh my god ! " mom reacts.

Is that even a big deal ? I even lost my virginity last year. With niall ofcourse. We did it on our 3rd month.

" Its not a big deal anyway. " I said

" It is a big deal ! You Victoria, are you still a virgin ? " she asks me.

I raised an eyebrow " Yes, " I lied

Mom sighs " Good. We're here. " she parked infront of the school gates.

I kissed her cheeks goodbye and I went off the car.


Niall Horan fanfic ! Yay !

P.S Im not good in english. Sorry.

-LukeHemmings_Damn xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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