Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Anastasia's POV:

I fluttered my eyes open and sat up turning the oxygen gas pump off and removed the oxygen mask as I placed it on one side carefully.

I sighed and noticed that Pitch woke up as he yawned and sat on my bed.


Pitch plus me plus bed means......!


"Calm down , stupid. Nothing happened except for the fact that you said you love me." , he said mockingly as he smirked and ran his hand through his black hair looking at me.


What a feeler.

I huffed and sat back down at the bed making aa soft dip as I stare into his golden orbs almost melting.

I sighed ,'Crap....I really do love him...' , I thought.

"Shut up you feeler!" , I replied to him.

"AH! YOU DIDNT IGNORE ME! AT LAST!" , he said quite relieved as he stood up and spread his arms in front of me.

Whats he doing?

He gestured his head as he nodded and smiled.

I just tilted my head confused of what is he meaning of.

Okay! okay!

You can call me clueless but I really dont get it.

But theres one thing stuck on my mind.

"At last of what Pitch?" , I asked quite confused as I stand up looking up at him.

Our bodies centimeters away from each other but then inches away as he walks a little closer to me.

His breath meeting my face as I blush.

I felt arms snake their way on my waist as I squeaked seeing him wrap his arms on my waist.

I look up at him qickly and blushed even more and pouted madly , "What is wrong with you Pitch??"

I could already feel tears forming I my eyes as I felt my chest throb seeing him do sweet things that only couples do.

'I wish me and Pitch were a couple....I wish....' , I thought sadly as I wiped my tears away.

"Would you like to hear my answer Anastasia , dear? , I heard him ask.



I'll just get hurt!


Please stop...!

I don't want to hear it...!

I know I'll just get rejected!

"Answer is......."

Just stop it...!

Please just stop thi---

I snapped back into reality as I felt lips against mine.

I opened my eyes and saw Pitch kissing me on the lips.








I quickly pulled away and looked at him confused.

Innocent Smile of Mine...   (Pitch Black love story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now