Chapter 4

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Kaya's P.O.V

I don't know how long I've been in this cell for too long is what i know.


They took me in the car and blindfolded me after injecting me with that stuff which I'm guessing was a sedative and drove for what seemed like hours.

The car pulled onto what felt like a dirt road with all the bouncing. We stopped after a while of driving on the dirt road then I heard the side door open and next thing I new was that I was being dragged by my arms with my feet behind me, I heard creaking of floor boards and jingling of keys I'm guessing then I was being dragged again then we stopped and I was pushed in a room, my kidnappers took off my blindfold and saw what looked like a prison cell there was a toilet a sink and a shower head with a square shaped rod around it with what looked like a sheet hung from the rod and a mattress on a metal frame.

The next couple of days I just lay on the mattress thinking of Charlie how he lay on the ground dead outside the theater and why my life could have taken this terrible turn for the worst what I had done to deserve this.

There was a inch thick cut out in the door that I noticed on my first day when my kidnappers pushed a tray with a paper cup of water and a mystery sandwich on it the cut out had a metal flap thing on the outside that pulled down so you could slide something into the room later that day I heard two people, guys talking so I scooted to the door to listen they said "was the boy dead" one with a rough dry voice said "no we checked after we dropped her off he was only knocked unconscious and'sinacoma" the man rushed his words I had to replay what he said in head to figure it out those words made my heart swell with joy Charlie isn't dead he alive well sort of. "well at least he's not dead she would have skinned us if he died you do know that she wants him for her self right thats why we had to get little miss fighter over there away from him."

I laughed at that term 'little miss fighter' I mean these people kidnapped me and they can't even make up good terms. "Hmm i didn't know that " and thats all that was said. I lay back down on my bed and recalled what the men said she wants him for herself.

Who could that be. Who would do such a thing , I fell asleep for the first time in what seemed like years but i knew was just a day or two. :::::End of flashback:::::

My cell door opened and a man stood there in all black with a mask on this was the first time I actually saw one of them. "Please tell me what day it is" I asked he looked at me then yelled over his shoulder "hey jojo the girl wants to know what day it is should I tell her" I realized that this was the one with the rough dry voice "yeah sure it's not like she's gonna live much longer " "it's march 31st 2012" "oh" I said quietly, march 31st 2012 five days after my 18th birthday perfect.

The guy came over to me and grabbed my arm hard and said "you seem to be a good looking girl how about a kiss before you die" he tried kissing me but I turned my head wich resulted in him grabbing my jaw and trying again this time I pushed him with all my might wich seemed to be alot considering he flew back and slammed into the wall "what the fuck" I heard someone yell after he crashed into the wall and fell to the floor, then someone else came into the cell and started running towards me with what looked like a taser. I smirked and stepped to the side so he ran right into a wall. I went over and picked up his taser and turned it off then put it in the waist band of my jeans. I grabbed the keys to the cell and shut the door and locked it now to find a way out of here.

I looked behind every door before i opened one with stairs behind it. I climbed the stairs and walked into a living room / foyer i ran to the door only to find that it was locked and needed keys to open it no problem I put my foot up to the door and pushed the door flew off it's hinges and the locks and chains broke revealing outside night I started running down the dirt road and thought in my head thank god for super speed.

I ran to a destination I didn't even know, I ran and ran everything around me speeding by I looked to my left and saw the road leading to the theater perfect I thought I can finally go home. I ran past the theater and turned onto my street i was about a block away from my house when I decided to walk at a human speed I felt really tired my mom and dad never said how tiring it is to use your superpowers I collapsed on the ground "julia julia help me " I said praying that she was awake and heard me even though I knew her senses are heightened but still they have limits. It seamed that was all it took because I soon fell into darkness

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