It Takes a While

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It Takes a While


I used to remember everything

These days, my head is a sieve.

Thoughts run from me now, 

afraid of sleeping in my mind.


I think you're a little afraid of me

my uncertainty, perhaps?

I hope that's all it is.

Then, at least I know that beneath doubt

I am still the same.


Last night was the same

as our old Sunday mornings-

You held my happy self

in the crook of your arm,

Plucked from my wistfulness

until I rolled over.


You caught me looking then,

and stiffened like a soldier to attention,

Easing on a wrinkled smile to assure me

you kissed my hair,

then my lips, my heart, then each collarbone.

It must have worked,

because I patted you back

and it was only afterward,

With the city asleep and my body

finally quiet but for the medication in my head,

That I realized:

You'd been kissing a cross onto me.


And I understood then-

had it really taken fifty years to reach this point?

That you were not fearful,

as I'd always excused you to be,

but resigned.

Knowing this to be far worse, I cried,

and saw you as crisply as any polaroid.

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