morning wake up call

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I wake up to the most annoying song ever Call Me Maybe (Not that I have anything against the song I just don't like to be woken up by it.) I aimlessly throw my hand out in an attempt to snooze the stupid alarm.

As my brother Noah sticks his head in my room and shouts "Could you just shut the freakin thing off already Ella." I hear a loud umph and an ow come from the doorway.

I grin proudly to myself as the pillow i threw collides with his face. Noah walkes out the door mumbling something about moody sisters as I realize that I won't be getting anymore sleep.

You see I'm not a morning person and I sleep about 17 hours a day.

I glance at the clock that has so rudely disrupted my morning and to top everything off I'm already running late.

After I hop out of the quick shower and run down stairs to an empty kitchen I wait that's weird dad always makes breakfast for us.

" Hey Noah where's dad ?"

" Uh... How am I supposed to know?"

God, sometimes I forget how immature he can be

" Well when was the last time you talked to him"

" last night after you fell asleep he called and said he would be home late"

Maybe you should have started off with that Noah

" Could you give me a ride to school."

" Um no."

Well thanks big bro j*cka*s

Wow I am really out of shape! I just ran the three miles from our house to the school. Yup my amazing big brother made me walk to school.

302 303 ah 304 second period with Mr.Sims, he already hates me enough as it is I don't need to add being late to that list. *Creakkkk* of course the door decides to be loud now. Everyone stares at me as I put my head down and rush towards my seat. "Ms. Vantresca?" of course, this is not what I need today "*sigh*, Yes sir?" "Suprisingly enough your wanted in the office...I wonder what you could've possivly done?!?" he mutters under his breathe. Rude much?!? I mean honestly how can he just disrespect a student like that but before I get the chance to say something another angry voice does. "And you call yourself a teacher, what kind of fuc*king teacher talks about there student like that!!!" OH. MY. GOD. I swear I could hear everyones head snap around to look at the speaker who just happened to be Aiden Miller the school Badarse, and when I say Badarse I mean hot, sex god, delinquent! I swear every girl at this fricken lame excuse of a school has slept with him at one point or another. And the ones that haven't obsess over him like hes some kind of god. I pride myself in being probally the only girl in the school who hasnt done either of those things, I mean dont get me wrong the guy is fricken hot but he comes with trouble.

"Excuse me?!?" Mr. Sims roars, but Aiden looks as calm as could be, he even leaned back and put his feet on the desk. If it was me in the situation I would of done either one of three things; explode, burst into tears and run away, or start shaking and probally pee my pants. " You heard me old man your a fuc*ing lame excuse if a teacher" he spits out at Mr. Sims. Oh god if the vein popping out of Mr. Sims forehead is any sign on how this is going to end than I have a bad feeling. "THATS IT I WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH FOUL LANGUAGE AND BLATENT DISRESPECT IN MY CLASS ROOM, YOU CAN GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE WITH MISS. VANTRESCA. I swear at that moment my heart stopped. Suddenly I think going to the principals office was the least of my worries.

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