Chapter 114 // A Final Check

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You turned to look at Tony, your head tilted as your eyebrows furrowed. "What-?" He stared back, not seeing you do this before. "It's so sweet," You told him, hugging him tightly. He laughed a bit, "It's nothing, jees, you make me feel like your dad..." You giggled a bit and the three of you walked into the hall that he'd booked.

It was a small, ancient looking hall. Tall green plants hugged it as if it were sacred, it reminded you of the royal gardens on Asgard and how there were a few statues. Walking through, you almost choked at the obviously large statue of Loki's helmet with a heart inside. You stuttered his name, which cause Tony to laugh. Turning to Loki, his eyes sparkled in wonder, "Your ideas are worth projecting across the whole of Midgard, Stark." Tony nodded, "I thought you would like it- and, don't worry, those hands encrusted on the heart are the two of yours. I didn't just pick a random pair of hands." "How-?" "A magician never reveals their secrets right?" He smirked, proudly. You furrowed an eyebrow, trying to figure it out. You hadn't realised how much of a sneak Tony really was.

"It's bigger in here than I thought," You laughed nervously, "There aren't going to be a lot of guests, you know." "I'm aware..." His silence worried you, but you shrugged it off and carried on. "We're these already here?" You pointed to the white and lilac roses around the place. "Oh, no, I decided to just get it all ready. It's not far from now anyway. Those are fake though, I didn't want the real ones to die but needed a finished look," He explained. You nodded, "Definitely a nice selection." You raised your eyebrows to him. He grinned smugly and proceeded to show you both around and the additions that he'd made.

You took a deep breath in, "Wow." Gathering at the enterance, you were stunned. The place was great, it was the type of thing that you had imagined - almost too well. "Thank you... so much," You began to feel a little weird, in a way that you weren't used to. Just like the time you confessed everything to Loki. Anxiety? With a bit of excitement? You weren't sure, but the feeling was buried deep in your chest where it weighed down and couldn't get out. Hands on your cheeks, your eyes gave the place one final scan before finally looking over to the two men. "It's pretty impressive, don't you think?" Loki rasied an eyebrow with a little grin. "Incredibly impressive, yes," Smiling softly to Tony, for all that he'd done, he gave a small nod. "It was a good break from the usual, so, literally, the pleasure is mine!" Giving a chuckle, you all walked out.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not update for well over a month, I was so caught up in writing other unpublished books (that I may end up publishing) that I kept saying that I'd come back to this one and leaving it for later. This isn't exactly the MOST exciting chapter but it had to be done and out the way :)

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