Beyond Love

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[ Beyond Love ]


Such a simple word

Yet means the whole world

These four letters hide a mystery behind

And a clue I wish to find

A word that can undo your frown

Leaving you jumping up and down

I always thought it meant something else

But I think my guessing was just false

I thought it was gift and flowers

Dates, leaving you in front of the mirrors for hours.

Trying to look your best

For the one you love the most

Kissing and hugging

And your attitude faking

” sweetness is the key,

Not simplicity” that famous sentence you always hear

These were the rules of love

And I waited for a move

But then

I saw them

How silent they were

And behind it that much care

When their eyes met

They just smile and don’t fake it

I loved the way they spoke

And the way she laughed when she heard his joke

They way they discussed things

And in a minute find a solution for everything

And at that moment

I realized

Love is not just a hug and a gift

It’s when you see your partner in their best

Even if they were the worst

When you just enjoy hearing

Even if words meant nothing

When your eyes can’t move

And only land on your love

The way you smile

When you just find their number on your mobile

Love is a very simple word

Yet means the whole world

This poem is inspired by my two very close and best friends.

I love you E and A !

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