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"It's going to be awkward" I mumbled as my mom drove me to their house.

"He's your dad-" "Mason is my dad" I mumbled back.

"No- Mason is your step dad." She spoke slowly, looking to me.

"More of a dad to me than Calum ever was" I spoke, rolling my eyes.

"That's not Calum's fault" Mason chimed into the conversation, holding my moms hand into his own.

"I know you love me Lil, and I love you- you know that. But you need a connection with your dad, I would want it if I had a daughter like you too, so try to be open minded, give him a chance."

We pulled into a gated community, having to give a special code the get through the gates.

My mom drove into a driveway, turning to look to me.


"As ready as I'm going to be."

I grabbed my bag, throwing it onto my back, Mason keeping his hand on my back as we walked to the door.

Mom knocked, allowing me to stand beside her.

Calum opened the door with a wide smile- seeming much more inviting than at the hospital.

"Come in, come on" he ushered each of us in.

I saw the three other familiar guys in the living room, all standing once we entered.

"Calum Hood" Calum extended his hand to Mason, who immediately shook his hand back

"Mason Miller, Stephanie's husband" he nodded.

"Nice to meet you" they exchanged.

Calum and the guys led us around, giving us a tour of the house they had.

"And this will be your room, you can set your bag down" Calum spoke, leading us all into a room, which was oddly like my own at home.

"My own is right across the hall- the guys are next door to you and Ashton is next door to me" He spoke, making me slowly nod.

"And I think that's all" he finishes with a small laugh, looking to my mom.

"Actually, can I talk to you about something Calum-" "mom" I groaned out, knowing what she was going to discuss.

"Sure-" "just give us one minute."

I looked to Mason as they left us, seeing him smile, pulling me into a tight hug.


Stephanie followed me into the living room, where the guys were.

"So when she was thirteen we had an incident with a doctor who got too- handsy" she spoke slow, making us all exchange a glance.

"Due to this she developed a big fear of doctors and shit, she always gets nervous even sitting in the waiting room" she elaborated.

"But she claims that she isn't scared anymore- she puts on a brave face, but I'm telling you, once there's a real exam room and you're all in scrubs, she's going to lose her shit, so just be precautious"

"So She's had a check up since this incident-" "no, she absolutely refused."

"That's certainly a problem-" "we'll talk her into letting us give her one" I interrupted, nodding to her.

"Thank you, really" She exhaled.

She ran and got Mason and Lily, both of them following close behind her.

"Okay, you have my phone number if you need anything, along with my full consent to use any medical shit needed" Stephanie spoke as she kissed Lily's head, hugging her tightly.

Lily hugged Mason who also kissed her head, which kind of surprised me.

They soon left- making the room go to a comfortable quietness.

"Wanna go jump on the trampoline?"

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