chpt.1- First Day

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It's the first day of school, New school, New people, New environment, New everything.

I wake up like normally at 6:30 am. Start getting ready in the bathroom, go back to my room, in my closet and choose which outfit I wanna go with today. In my head i'm thinking 'I gots to look poppin, like i'm tryna snatch somebodies nigga today'... i kid i kid. After 30 minutes of trying to find the perfect outfit for the first day, I went with yellow and black striped 'forever 21' shirt with a flower at the top left corner, my ripped denim skinny balman biker jeans, and my yellow nike air max 97' shoes to top off the whole outfit. Baby when I tell you I was fly... I was FLY. Anyways I come downstairs to my mother, father, and my two sisters eating breakfast at the table as usual. Always leaving me out the mix. Anyways I ate eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuit for 30 minutes and I heard my bus down the street so I knew it was my time to go to get on the bus and go to school. I run upstairs to get me and my things ready and wait by the door waiting for the bus to stop, I get on the bus.

... 5 minutes later

I get off the bus and here I am, standing in front of 'Woodrow Wilson High School'. When I got off the bus, at first I didn't know what to do or where to go, so I just started following people that got off my bus, I ended up in the cafeteria, sitting by myself waiting for the bell to ring. The bell rings 10 minutes later, but I didn't know what class I was going to, so I went to the office and asked if they had a copy of classes, they gave me my copy, and directions to my first class (Chemistry Honors 1)... and of course i'm late to my first period. I greet the teacher and they gave me my assigned seat, I sat down and beside me was a girl named Aniya. She introduced herself to me saying she was a new student too, I introduced myself too, and just like that we hit it off, and I made a new friend.

...1 hour and 45 minutes go by

Before the bell rung, Aniya asked for my socials, and I gave it to her, she said she was going to text me. The bell rings, I leave the class going to my locker to get my things for next block. I close my locker and goes around the corner of the hallway and ends up bumping into this boy (Xavier). Boy when I tell you this man was fine, he was fine. otayyy. Anyways my books/binders fall out of my hands and he helps me pick it up and says sorry, I said it was okay. I walked off and then I looked back and I caught him staring at my backside, I turned my head back around so fast that I almost broke my neck, I was so nervous, anyways I head to my next class (Visual Arts 11). The whole class I was thinking about the boy I bumped into, and how I should've introduced myself, and how I should've got his number. I was distracted the whole class that time went by so fast. Bell rings, I go to 3rd, 4th, lunch, and then 5th period. The day is over and after 5th bell rings, I stayed after class to talk to my teacher about track, because I heard he was the head coach. The conversation lasted 10 minutes. I leave and the hallways are empty as fck, like you could hear crickets outside. I went to my locker to get all the materials I needed for my homework tonight at home. As I close my locker I heard footsteps and turned around, it was the same boy I bumped into after 1st period. In my head I was thinking what was he doing after school, but that was none of my business. Anyways I was nervous because I didn't know if I should say 'hey' or just don't say anything, so instead I just glued my eyes on my phone acting like someone was texting me, thinking that he wouldn't say anything to me. But boy was I wrong, he walked in front of me and greeted me said 'wassup' and my shy ass said 'wassup' back with the lowest tone in my voice. 'Don't be shy.. L-O-L' he said. 'I'm not, I just don't know you like that' I said. 'We'll get to know me then' he said, with a smirk on his face. You know me, I blushed a little but I didn't want him seeing that lol. I said 'okay what's your name?'. 'Xavier' he said. 5 minutes in the conversation he ended up getting my number. I wait out front waiting for my mother to pick me up, I see her, get in and you know mothers being mothers she asked me how school was, I said it was cool and that I met two people today. She said that was awesome. The whole car ride home was awkward for me because at this point I was thinking 'does he know i'm gay?' 'would he still be my friend if he knew I was gay?', etc. We finally got home, it's 4:30, I go to my room, pulled out my homework 20 minutes in, I get a text from Aniya saying she needed help figuring out one of the questions on the worksheet our teacher gave us in 1st period. I facetimed her, so she could understand me more than me just tryna text it to her. Fast-Foward to her finishing her homework and then I finished my homework from other classes. I put all materials back in my bag and my phone go off and and it's 'Xavier', I read the message, we started messaging back and forth at this point...

Xavier: *
Me: •

*Wassup Man
•Just finished my homework, wby
*Bored, thinking about you.
*Don't play with me, I know you gay lol
•How you'd know?
*It's obvious

At this point, I was confused because I didn't know what to say after that so I started dry texting him... lol. at the end of conversation we said goodnight to each other with the heart emoji 'goodnight❤️'. I put my phone down, went to the kitchen and ate some dinner. My mother cooked pork chop, macaroni, and salad. I smashed on the plate. 10 minutes later, it's 7:00pm now and i'm taking my shower. Get out the shower, put on my pajamas, prayed, and fell right asleep...
Let me know what you think so far, Anything I should fix/tweak or add?

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