Chapter 1 Meetings

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I stepped into the bar,it was dark outside and the lights of the bar were bright. I sat at the bar and placed my hands upon the old wooden bar. A man with a white suit and broad shoulders sat next to me. his body was turned away as he smoked a large cigar. I took notice of his hands his mighty hands were scarred and calloused. I sighed and He growled lowly before stamping his cigar in an overly used ashtray. "You look tired" He spoke addressing me and the heavy weight of tiredness that carried over me. "Yeah, work is pretty tiring ya know" I slid him my business card. "Name's Taka Shiro Roppongi Professional Photographing" He smiled the scars around his jaw stretching "Shameless, I like you, Bartender get this man your strongest brandy" He smiled, he placed his hand on my shoulder. "My name's Kaoru Hanayama, Hanayama Family Boss" He had no fear telling me he was with the Yakuza. My heart was racing. If I offended him he could erase me in a split second. "How'd you get all those scars?" I asked as the bartender passed me a shot glass. Kaoru's face broke into a smile. "It's a long story and It starts with a Boy named Baki" He spoke on and on about his fight with the champion Baki Hanma and how he fought him when he was younger. "wow that's pretty cool," I said in utter astonishment. He lifted a glass to his lips. "However there was a man named Speck," He said a shroud formed around his eyes when he spoke. "What?...happened?" I asked taking a sip of the strong sweet, yet bitter brandy. Kaoru spoke. "It's simple...You know why I have these deep scars in my cheeks?" He pointed "Yeah" "He stuck bullets in my mouth forced em to fire"  "Yeesh" "yeah but that's not all" He went on and on detailing fights he's had and fights he's won. However, there was one story he told me that I just couldn't believe. "Ya know I had a fight with the Samurai Musashi Miyamoto" I smiled and began to laugh, suddenly I felt the weightless euphoria that comes with the buzz of alcohol. "You think its false but no he sliced me good and he even gave Ol Yujiro the Ogre a run for his money" He spoke a certain air of indulgence and primal bliss radiated off of him. This was when I first met Kaoru Hanayama. 

To be Continued.

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