Chapter Seven

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They stared in disbelief as their way out was sitting in plain view for everyone to see. The chatter in the room grew by the second as the guests questioned exactly what they were looking at.

"Doctor!" Clara gasped, remaining stunned by the events unfolding.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why didn't I see it before?!" He smacked his forehead with his palm. "The doors!"


"I told you there was something off about that room, the one we arrived in! The doors weren't installed to let very large people in, it was to take very large objects out! Missy must have known we'd be coming. She planned this from the very start. This whole thing was designed to trap us here!"

"I don't understand. Even if someone made a bid for it, they can't get inside. It can't leave this planet. It's basically a giant useless box without the key," she assured him, attempting to keep them both calm.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Missy continued. "What you're looking at is a one-of-a-kind time machine from the legendary planet of Gallifrey, known to take you anywhere you want to go both in time and space." The Doctor scoffed at her words. "The outside may look like an ordinary twentieth-century police box from Earth. But I can assure you, the inside is much larger." Her eyes met his as a maniacal smile formed over her teeth. "All you need is... the key," she declared, raising the ship's signature Yale lock for all to see.

"How the hell did she get her hands on a TARDIS key?!" Clara demanded. The Doctor was in shock. His eyes were wide with fear. "Doctor!" she shouted, trying to get through to him.

"I don't know, Clara!" he snapped. He hated not knowing. He started to panic. How was it even possible? He frantically checked his pockets, pulling out his copy of the key as Clara checked her necklace. She too had her key, eliminating the possibility of Missy lifting it from them during their close encounter with her in the ballroom. Missy approached the ship and inserted the key into the lock. Turning her head to see the faces of the Doctor and his companion, she turned the key. The door opened.

"Doctor! Do something!" Clara cried.

"I can't. She already has access. There's nothing I can do," he replied.

After a moment, he heard Missy call from beyond the doors of the ship. "HELLO, Hello, hello!" she shouted from inside, mimicking an echo. Several seconds later, she poked her head outside of the door. "Shall we start the bidding then?" The room filled with excitement as talk of the time machine became the headline of their thoughts.

The Doctor noticed the young woman from before was retrieving the Comasphere from her sleeve. Time was running out. If he didn't do something quickly, they could be stranded on this planet forever. Without delay, he turned to his companion. "Clara, I need you to trust me," he implored, holding her cheek in his hand. With the other, he removed the glasses from his face and returned them to his pocket.

"What are you doing?!" she asked urgently, panicking over whatever ridiculous plan was forming inside that head of his.

"I'm going to endure the effects of the sphere. I need answers and I'm not going to get them by sitting here doing nothing."

"No, there has to be another way. There's always another way!"

"Not this time." He glanced towards the woman holding the sphere.

A tear ran down Clara's cheek as she shut and covered her eyes. The bright light engulfed the room once more. When it had dissipated, she raised her head. Silence had befallen the large room once again. She turned her attention towards the Doctor who was now in a comatose state. "Doctor!" She shook his shoulder. "Doctor, wake up!" There was no response. She continued to try to break him from his trance. From the front of the room, she heard a burst of laughter resonating off the walls as Missy watched the frantic girl attempt to shake her friend awake.

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