Chapter 3: Fools Rush In

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You would think Toby, of all people, would recognize a kidnapping.

Easton stares after where the car had been, hands tearing at his hair.

"They took her!" He turns to me, "Jareth, they just... took her."

I'm reminded how removed Easton has been from violence. He was unconscious during his own abduction, and he has only studied about war and crime in preparation for his appointment as King of the Council. Seeing it in real life has him near tears, and I search for the words to comfort him.

"Why didn't she fight?" Sarah says quietly.

We all look at her, a little stunned.

"What are you talking about, Sarah?" Toby asks.

"That...spinning tarzan jujitsu stuff she does. I saw her taking down people a head taller than her this morning at the dojo. She should have been able to knock that guy to the ground. All she did was throw him off balance."

She gestures at the spot where Pema was taken and every eye locks onto a piece of paper lying there. Sarah frowns, but doesn't move toward it. It's Easton who pushes past us and kneels to collect it.

"It's an address." He says, confused.

Sarah's eyes narrow, but Easton leaps to his feet.

"This could be where they are taking her! Toby! Is this nearby?"

Toby examines the paper. "East side of the city, maybe a few miles? We could be there in 40 minutes!"

"Whoa! No. We are not going. What we need to do is call 911 and give all evidence to the police."

Toby looks exasperated. "That will take forever! She's our friend, Sarah, if there is any chance that we can help her, we have to go, now!"

Sarah's face tightens and she crosses her arms. I know that look all too well. You are in for it now, Toby.

"We are not a swat team, Toby! We don't even know for sure what is going on here or where this address leads. We could put all our lives in danger by chasing after this suspicious lead!"

Toby face reddens and his cheeks puff. I'm reminded of when he was a baby, cranky and crying in my throne room. He takes a breath, but before he can launch into another argument with his sister, Easton puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Sarah." He says, pleadingly. "Pema is like family. We only want to do for her what you did for Toby so long ago. We will use the utmost caution, and we will have you and Jareth to watch our backs. If anyone can do this, it's us!"

Sarah softens at Easton's gentle tone, but she's still resistant. She doesn't argue, but she turns away, shaking her head. Easton turns his emotion laden eyes on me next.

"Jareth, please..."

I notice Sarah out of the corner of my eyes, waiting to see if I will back her up. Anyone else would have agreed with her one hundred percent. Her arguments are reasonable and valid. But another thought has crept into my mind. The idea that this was a convenient excuse not to return to the confines of my kingdom, and an opportunity to show a little familial solidarity.

I nod, solemnly meeting his eyes. "If there is a chance it could help her, we have to take it."

Easton's eyes fill with relief and he puts a grateful hand on my arm. A moment later he turns to Toby, suddenly in command.

"Go get your car and then come pick us up. Oh, hey, let me have your phone, I'll put the address in the GPS."

As Toby hurries off and Easton turns his attention to the phone, I step over to stand next to Sarah. She stares ahead, thinking.

"I hope you know what you're doing." She says without looking at me. She's not angry, but doubtful.

"As do I. I don't suppose you brought my sword?"

This produces a small smile.

"Haven't you ever heard, 'Don't bring a knife to a gun fight'?"

"We don't know yet if guns will be involved. Besides, I've learned there can be enormous advantage in a weapon that does not require reloading."

Sarah stays quiet, having a staring contest with the space in front of her. Something is bothering her.

"You said suspicious."

Sarah frowns and faces me.


"You said the note was suspicious."

"Oh. Doesn't it seem a bit odd? Why would he have the location where she is being taken on a piece of paper like that?"

"Perhaps they were hired hands, only tasked with retrieval?"

Sarah looks like she's about to say something else, but Toby pulls up. We slide into the back, while Easton sits in front to give directions. Toby pushes the car as far past the speed limit as he can without risking lives, and we make it to the highway in record time. Watching the city lights slide by, I feel excitement building within me. It's been a long time since Sarah and I have been on an adventure; it would be a great way to spend our vacation. Not surprisingly, the address leads us to an industrial area, with a large amount of seemingly unoccupied buildings. Easton identifies the structure before we get too close, so Toby parks his car and we quietly make our way on foot.

Just before we reach the building, Sarah stops and pulls us into a huddle.

"Turn your phone on silent. Don't use it as a flashlight. Stay low, under the window line. If you have to say something to someone, speak right into their ear. Use hand signals if possible, and we all stay together."

With a nod we all set padding up to the building as inconspicuously as possible. Sarah takes the lead, leaning against the wall and taking a lightning fast peek into the first window. 'Empty' she mouths to us. Toby, Easton, and I look at each other, brows furrowing as we try to figure out how she was able to see that so quickly. As we pass under the window, I chance a look. She's right, it's completely abandoned, but I notice the faintest trace of light that seems to be coming from far in the back of the building. The next time Sarah glances back, I motion for her.

"There is a light on inside. It's coming from somewhere in the back." I whisper to her.

She hesitates for just a moment. She hadn't seen it. I feel her nod.

"Take the lead." She tells me.

Sarah is the expert here, but we learned on a previous undertaking that my senses are sharper. Being able to hear higher frequencies and a greater sensitivity to light are some of the small differences between us and humans, so Sarah trusts my judgement. Being that I'm the only one of our group that has ever been in combat, I feel much better with everyone behind me; especially now that it seems we are likely to encounter someone.

We carefully make our way toward the back of the building where I'm guessing the light is coming from. There's no doubt when we turn the last corner, there is definitely a glow coming from that window. Inching closer, I begin to hear voices as well.

"...isn't a hard decision... tell me where...
worth your life, Pema!"

Damn, I wish I had my sword.

I turn to let everyone know what I heard, and I'm hit with an unpleasant shock. Easton is gone!

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