chapter thirty-four

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"Can I talk to you?" Harry asked softly after he'd gently knocked on his mother's open bedroom door, where she was currently sitting in bed on her laptop, typing away.

"Yeah. Of course, babe. What do you need?" Anne asked when she'd lifted her head to look up at her son, a small smile set on her lips as she waved for him to come into the room, closing her laptop slowly when he hesitated walking in. "What is it?" She asked after examining his facial expression, one she couldn't necessarily read.

"Um..." Harry said softly as he moved closer to her bed, taking a seat next to her as he thought about what he was supposed to say. He thought about doing what Louis did with his own mother, just blurting the words out instead of overthinking the whole thing. But Harry had always tended to be the overthinker in their relationship. "I'm sorry." He said, but he wasn't sure what he was exactly apologizing for, but all he knew was that he felt guilty and felt the need to apologize to her more than anyone.

"For what, love?" Anne asked as she looked at her son who was avoiding looking at her, which had always been something Harry did when he felt even an ounce of guilt about something he had said or done. "Hey, baby, talk to me," Anne said when Harry didn't respond, setting her laptop on her nightstand and then turned her full attention to her son.

"I'm just sorry," Harry answered softly, feeling like at any moment now he might actually start crying, which was something he didn't expect himself to do. He hadn't been this scared when telling Louis' mother, but when it came to his own he was on a whole new level of being scared. "I'm so sorry," Harry said, looking over at his mother as tears began welling up in his eyes, making his mother pull him close into a hug.

"Harry, love, what's going on?" Anne asked softly as she held him close, rubbing his back gently as she felt him begin to crumble. "What's wrong?" She asked because she was lost as to what had Harry feeling so upset and apologetic.

"I had sex," Harry said honestly as he let his tears stream down his face, holding his mother close. He wasn't sure if that was what he was apologizing for or if it were the whole situation he was putting her in, but either way, he felt apologetic. Plus, he wanted to tell her everything and in order to get from point "A" to point "B", he had to tell the truth about point "A."

"Oh... You don't have to apologize about that," Anne said softly as she tried to continue her efforts of comforting him. Even if she didn't necessarily like the idea that he was having sex as young as he was, it wasn't her place to tell him whether it was right or wrong. Besides, it seemed he already felt bad enough without her putting any input into the whole thing. "Hey, it's okay." She said as she pulled away from their hug to look at his face, wiping his tears away.

"No, it isn't," Harry said softly as he looked over his mother's face, still not sure how to admit why he was telling her this new information. "I had sex and now..." He trailed off, looking away from her face even though his face was being gently held by his mother. "Mum, I'm pregnant." He admitted softly, waiting a few seconds before his eyes looked back at his mother's face.

Anne grew quiet, looking over Harry's face, continuing to wipe away the new tears that had fallen down his cheeks. He looked scared and very much unsure about himself at that moment and she couldn't help but think about how young and vulnerable he looked. She could feel her own tears begin to well up in her eyes as she pulled him into another hug, holding the boy close as he continued to cry. They both stayed like that for a while, just holding the other close as they let their own tears flow until they'd both stopped crying.

"I'm, um, three months now," Harry admitted softly as he pulled away from their hug, wiping the tears from his face. "Nearly four." He admitted and then shook his head as he thought about how far along he was already. "Louis and I want to keep it." He told her and then let out a shaky breath, feeling like he could finally breathe after getting the information off of his chest finally. "Are you mad?" He asked as he looked over at his mother, knowing she wouldn't exactly be happy, but he just hoped she wasn't furious with him.

"No, baby, I'm not mad," Anne assured as she placed her hand on Harry's cheek gently. "Not mad. Just worried is all." She said softly and then shrugged her shoulders a little. "I always figured that Gemma would be the one to tell me she was pregnant at fifteen," She joked as she wiped away her own tears, letting a small laugh escape from her mouth. "I don't know what to say right now, Harry." She admitted and then sniffled a little as she looked over his face, trying to find the right words to say.

"Me neither," Harry admitted with a small smile and then shook his head as he looked down at his lap. "I didn't mean to let this happen. I feel so stupid for letting it." He said softly, feeling honestly disappointed in himself.

"You're not stupid, darling. You'll make mistakes in your life and learn from them." Anne said and then pulled him into another gentle hug. "You're going to have to let me process this for a while, okay? I need to... Google how I'm supposed to respond to this whole thing." She said with a small smile as she pulled away again. "Let me compose my thoughts and... figure out what it is that I want to say to you." She said and Harry nodded his head a little. "I love you, Harry. I do. I always will. No matter what you say or what you do, I will always love you." She reminded and then leaned forward to kiss his forehead gently, pulling him into another loving hug,

"I love you too, mummy," Harry said softly, feeling like he could cry again, but he didn't want to. Instead, he wanted to hug his mother and have her help in the whole situation.

"This is going to be really difficult, my love," Anne said softly as she held onto him. "Emotionally, physically, mentally... difficult. Being a parent is tough, you know?" She asked, feeling him nod a little in response. "There are so many decisions you'll have to make. And sacrifices. I just... I really hope you're ready for this, Harry." She said quietly and then kissed his head gently.

Next chapter is going to be extra long, so be prepared. Party at Zayn's house. Deals with just about every single character. x

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