Fire Escape

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Idea from F.R.I.E.N.D.S S07E12

"I'm going back inside!"  Sophie announced as she walked towards the door that lead back inside the building.

The seven friends -- eight if you counted Iggy -- had been on the roof of a human hotel for what felt like hours, though it'd probably only been about one.  They'd been trying to watch for comets and look at the stars while they had a few extra hours of break time between searching for clues the Neverseen may have left behind in New York City and finding a place to sleep.  It was the Black Swan who'd called it a day, and also them who had brought up the possible sighting of comets in the human cities that night.  Of course, stars and space things were nothing new to the keepers.  After all, most of them experienced growing up in the Lost Cities, seeing the whole night sky in all of it's perfection.  However, Mr. Forkle had insisted it would be a good idea if they did so.

And it certainly would have been had the human cities not been so light polluted!

"Weren't you the one who wanted to be out here, Foster?"  Keefe asked with a smirk.

She had been but... 

"Fitz is cold!  Plus, I'm tired."  Sophie sighed, looking at the boy next to her who was wrapped up in two blankets.  "We're probably gonna have a big day tomorrow."

Fitz nodded, his teeth chattering.  "I-I agree-e."

"Of course you do,"  Dex said.  He completed the snark with an eye roll.

Sophie sighed again.  She watched as her warm breath showed itself in the cool winter air.  Some of her friends had been awfully stubborn ever since her and Fitz had started dating.  Even Dex who no longer had feelings for her and got along with the Vackers just fine was being uptight about the whole thing.

"I don't know, Dex."  Biana said.  "This is pretty boring."

"Yeah."  Tam added, grabbing Linh's fingers, probably to see how chilly they were.

"The-en let's-s go."  Fitz chattered, opening the door for Sophie.

"You guys have fun.  I'm gonna stay out here and work on the Scrambler for a bit."  Dex said, picking up the device full of wires and gold washers he'd put on the ledge of the roof.

Linh nodded.  "Are you going to come in?"

Keefe looked back at her, then to Dex.  "Nah, someone might as well keep Dexy company."

Well that was new and different.  Sophie wasn't complaining of course.  This may have been the first night that Keefe hadn't decided to follow Sophie and Fitz everywhere -- not that she was angry about him worrying over her safety, but honestly it got a bit annoying after a while.

Though, he could have also been planning for a prank.

"I'll be fine."  Dex huffed.  He tweaked the wires on the device, a nervous habit of his.

"But, Deeeeeex."  Keefe whined.

Biana laughed.  "We'll be inside.  You guys got the room key?"

The boys checked their pockets before Dex pulled out a card.

Tam, Linh, Biana, Sophie, and lastly Fitz waved as they walked through the door.

And Dex and Keefe were left out in the cold.

Dex continued to fiddle with the gadget as he spoke, "So why're you actually out here?"

"Am I allowed to spend time with my friend?"  Keefe walked up next to Dex by the short wall, peering down at the people below them.  "We're not all different if you think about it.  Us and them."

Keefex/Deefe/Kex DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now