Chapter 19

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Taehyung's POV

I ran...and far as I could...

I couldn't take this anymore...

It felt like I was being trapped inside of my own body...

Gosh...I really hate myself...

Maybe I should just cut myself and die already...

I'm just a burden for mum...

I'm just...useless...

Tears fell the more I thought about it...

Just then, I came into a halt.

I just realized I was in the middle of the woods.

I was lost.


Well...maybe I'll just die here...getting eaten by some creatures of the night...

I felt so hopeless...

I knelt down as I cried.

While doing so, I noticed that I was suddenly surrounded by roses...

Beautiful roses...

Dark red with little black at the edge...

They're so beautiful...

Yet seemingly mysterious and dangerous...

"Don't get to close to them, they might hurt you, darling."

It's him!!

I quickly turned around, but I couldn't find him.

"Show yourself you coward!!" I yelled, sick and tired of his little games.


He did...

He stepped out from the shadows...

And to my surprise...

He wasn't who I was expecting...


So it was him all along....

Yet, there was something really off about him...

Like... He wasn't himself....

More like... It wasn't him...

"Who are you really are!!??" I yelled.

He just chuckled.

"Oh, Tae. You must be wondering whether I'm Jungkook or not... But that doesn't matter at all..."

I watched as he slowly walked towards me.

I wanted to escape.

Yet, I couldn't, as if my whole body was rooted to the ground.

That's when realisation hit me.

I'm being controlled!!

I tried really hard to move, yet my body wouldn't even budge.

He was coming closer...

And closer...

Until he was right in front of me...

He swiftly plucked one of the beautiful roses while kneeling down to my level.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to know what his next move will be.

I heard him chuckled.

Then, I felt something being placed on my right ear.

I opened my eyes, only to know that the rose was on it.

"Beautiful," he said.

I just gave him a disgusted look.

He chuckled as he tilted my head upwards with his hand.

His other hand brought up to my face, and rest on my eye-patch.

Please... Don't you dare!!

Within a second, my eye-patch was being ripped off, showing off my now glowing red eye.

He seemed to be amused while I was still shocked from what happened.

"Yes, those eyes... I've finally got you in my arms, darling..." he said as he kept closer, leaving our faces just an inch between each other.

He definitely looks like Jungkook.

But his eyes, his dark, soulless eyes tell another story behind them.

His eyes were totally different from the real Jungkook.

He just smirked, and said.

"I'm Jeongguk, Jungkook's evil twin brother, the one who's gonna steal the throne from him, and also..."

He looked at me with those dark eyes and smiled even wider.

"His beauty...and I'll never let you go...

...Fallen Angel..."

Sorry for being hiatus for a while cause life's been really busy!! 😣😣

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