Tell Me Why

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Please, tell me why.

Why you have eyes I could stare into forever.

Why when I hear your name, when someone simply mentions it, my heart soars.

Why I could admire your face for eternity, and never want to see something new.

Why hearing your voice is the equivelent to hearing the most beautiful song.

Why your laugh is the one thing that cheers me up, even after the worst day.

Why your personality in the one that fits perfectly with mine.

Also, tell me as to why you are so blind.

Blind to my love for you,

Blind to how amazing we could be together.

Blind to how it may be innocent and meaningless,to you, when we talk. When it's the thing I always look forward to and the one thing that keeps me going.

I am pleading to you with tears in my eyes. Tell me why. Then, and only then, shall I stop loving you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2010 ⏰

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