Chapter three

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I took my seat in photography class and casually threw my coat and bag under the table, as though I had just arrived at home. Mr Geddes' class was my all-time favourite. His laid back approach meant that the stresses of registration with Mr Sanders were immediately forgotten. He was running some students through the developing chemicals in the darkroom when I sat down. Amelia strolled in a few seconds later with her limited edition, oversized, red Stella McCartney shoulder bag that complimented her skinny jeans and off the shoulder boho top perfectly. She then ran her fingers through her coiffed blonde locks, making sure the invisible strays were still controlled by the entire can of hairspray that held it in place.

'Let's have a look then' Amelia said brightly, pointing at my camera bag. I apprehensively handed it over. 'So what button do I press to make the TV screen thingy come on?'

'Slide over the switch to the left' I instructed, leaning over to make sure she was handling it properly.

'Who's that?' Amelia questioned inquisitively pointing at the camera screen.

'I don't know, he must be a new student. I saw him earlier when I was taking pictures of the flower garden.'

'WOW!' she emphasised, smiling seductively as she stroked the screen.

'Wow, what? He's barely distinguishable. He could be butt-ugly for all you know.' We both seemed a bit confused by my hostile reaction but luckily, Amelia had the attention span of a fish so within a second or two she was back onto the photo.

'He's definitely a hottie - without a doubt' Amelia insisted. 'Look at his figure. Tall and fit and strong, looks the sort that works out at the gym, I would definitely take a slice of that man pie.'

'Another five minutes and you'll be telling me you know his mother.'

'Jealously doesn't look too pretty on you Grace.'

'Why in God's name would I be jealous?'

'Just saying is all, touchy much!' she blanched. On some level I knew she was right but I didn't know why I was so bothered. Questioning my sanity was a path I didn't want to go down right now. As she continued to flick through the pictures, she peered at the screen with a quizzical look in her eyes. 'What are all those weird lights around him?'

'What lights?' I grabbed the camera from her and stared intently at the screen. Please, please, please, don't be broken! I thought. 'I've no idea what they are. There better not be a problem with this camera, I only got it a few weeks ago.'

'Wow, overreact much?' As you can probably guess I wasn't amused by her comment and my expression conveyed my feelings. 'Maybe he's an angel' Amelia cooed whimsically like a misguided Disney princess.

'Or maybe he's as ugly as sin' I added, not believing one word of it.

'Don't be so silly' she seethed. Who's being hostile now? I thought.

'Everyone into the darkroom please!' Mr Geddes called.

'Angel or not, that boy is all kinds of fine. Those arms, those legs, and don't even get me started on that tush!'

'If I haven't said it already, you have a beautiful way with words Amelia.' Amelia sighed, before turning and mincing over to the darkroom curtains, her patent heels tattooing on the wooden floor as she went. I moved to follow her, still deep in thought. What were those lights behind him? Could he be an angel? It's official, I've lost it; my sanity has finally evaded me!

At that moment the door at the back of the classroom swung open and a young man entered. I gazed at him and nearly choked on my own saliva. He was utterly stunning! Tall and toned, ruffled and cropped brown hair, grey t-shirt and royal blue denims tucked into a pair of scuffed black military boots. His intense, piercing, electric blue eyes scanned the room and met mine.

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