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Four men sat around the sat around the cheap, pull out table. A single light shone down on the map of South Korea, the southern most part bordered with a blue highlight. One of the men stood up to analyze the map and placed an unused cigarette next to the highlighted portion.

"A new gang is growing right at our border here. They are getting too close to our turf and I don't like it." The man stood tall and crossed his arms. "We are going to get rid of them before they break our line and steal our turf."

Another man, who was much shorter with softer features moved from his hard seat to sit on the open spot on the table. It earned him a warning glare from his menacing leader, but with a drink in hand, it was easily brushed off.

"Do you really think they will attack us? I mean, we are a pretty powerful gang. They should know better than to mess with us." He brushed his sandy blonde hair back as he examined the map.

"They won't be dumb enough to fight us. They don't have the numbers." A third man spoke up leaning against the table with a bored expression.

"Of course they won't mess with us." The leader standing said cocking his head to the side. "Not after we give them the warning."

"Warning?" The sandy blond asked, taking another swing of his drink. He swayed slightly from the alcohol coursing through his system. His tendency to drink too much was not new, on days like this where they had meetings, alcohol was the best way to get through it.

"We show them what we are made out of." The leader scanned the room of his three closest men. "It's either them or us and I am not losing anyone of you when they come in and take us by surprise. It already happened once, it's not happening again."

"What's your intention here, Hoseok? Death?" The bored member asked, growing tired as his leader talked.

"Yes." Hoseok pulled the gun out, putting it on the table then sliding it towards him. "Since you asked Yoongi, it will be up to you. Take a few of our men with you and take them out. Bring their so-called leader here and I'll have a With him." Hoseok instructed. The murderous glare giving away that his 'chat' would turn out to be torture.

Yoongi picked up the gun to inspect it. The thought of killing innocent people from a wild theory made his stomach twist with dread. Taking life that should never be taken, it was wrong. Not to say he hasn't shot someone before, but Yoongi reasoned it to be out of self defense since they were always shooting in his direction first.

"You seriously want to kill them? Why can't we just beat a few up and give them a warning to fuck off?" Yoongi slid the gun back across the table at its original owner. "We aren't playing dirty."

"Oh Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi." Hoseok nearly laughed at his ignorance.

Hoseok strolled over to the over side of the table to Yoongi's side before roughly grabbing under neither his chin and snapped his head to make eye contact. Yoongi nearly shivered from how dark his leaders' eyes grew. The guy never smiled, his just glared straight through Yoongi.

"Torture is the second stage for those who survive. And you will do the honors of bring them back here. If you fail me, you already know exactly what I'll do to you." Hoseok's cool voice made the hairs on Yoongi's forearm rise in a twisted fear.

"Whatever." Yoongi mumbled when Hoseok released his jaw. He grabbed the silver gun and tucked it away into his pants then made sure his shirt and leather jacket covered the outline of the weapon present.

Hoseok smirked seeing him comply with his demands. Taking the cigarette off of the table, Hoseok placed it between his lips and returned to his orginal spot at the table. The sandy blond slid off the table and hugged Hoseok's arm in need of attention.

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