Furthermore, just live happily with him

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Throughout the lunch procession this Monday, this was the fifth time Jun stole a glance at Wonwoo who was sitting in front of him. And this was the first time he was caught like a thief. But Wonwoo did not mind. He replied Jun's actions with a friendly smile. A little embankment–Jun thought–offered warmth. He also met two pairs of different eyes. And for the first time, he believed his eyes resembled a sound. Having a resonance. Generating feedback.

He was not stupid. He believed the sweet guy in front of him was indeed worthy of being observed. And indeed if Wonwoo did not mind, Jun would do that all day.

The plan was thwarted by the object that rose from his seat, "I'm going, Jun." Smiled sincerely again, giving a sentence as friendly as he could before finally dragging the step out from canteen. The sense of comfort Wonwoo shared spawned a sense of satiety. Then now he's gone. Jun was suddenly hungry. Thinking about Wonwoo was something draining, especially the mind. He knew this was wrong. But he felt greedy. He wanted something more than he could usually get from Wonwoo.

He right away shook his head. Trying to remove Wonwoo's profile figure that had the probability of being immortal in his memory. Unfortunately that was not easy. Since on the other hand he really felt warm in his chest cavity. He rubbed his neck. Went down to his left chest. Experienced the heartbeat. And far behind the cells covering the vital organ, the feeling of excitement grew.

There was a deadline of a few hours that felt so long before they would re-meet at college. Everything about Wonwoo really did not allow Jun's mind to live in peace. Jun hated this, but he always remembered when he saw Wonwoo giving a different look to Mingyu. A look Wonwoo would not give anyone. It looked so special to Jun's searing sense of vision. The special gaze hurt Jun as though he had been slashed. Yep, his love was just a one sided so as not to let out a beautiful harmony.

"You still have a crush on him, huh?" Seungcheol asked with a great annoying smile of all-knowing. Unfortunately he really knew. If it was like this, Jun was better to stop confronting Wonwoo than to be supervised by others like this.

Jun and Wonwoo were just ordinary students in campus. They were superior in academics. So what? Nothing special about it. It was just something typical among college students. So that did not get them just like popular kids and flooded with compliment rides from everyone. But that was what appealed to others. There were many questions about: How is the love story of smart kids? Yep, that was about it. So when a few seconds after Jun and Wonwoo separated in the cafeteria, each of them was asked by everyone. Like a separate press conference. I did not know what a barrage of answers waited on the part of Wonwoo. Better that, on Jun's side, he did not want to answer.

Every time he dissolved everything about Wonwoo settling in the autonomous control center deep inside his brain, that was where a vexing memory of 'Mingyu and Wonwoo are in a loving and happy relationship' revolved around his memory.

"Nope." The stern answer was what Jun finally let out. Seungcheol's face hesitated. But he did not ask any further when Jun indirectly concluded the brief conversation by bringing his body mass away, following Wonwoo. Gone from the perspective of everyone there.

In fact, Kim Mingyu was a perfect character of the antagonist with an unsurpassed arrogance. It was one of what Jun took from his chronology of being able to feel this wholehearted. Another thing was the credibility of Mingyu's scholarship was not as potent as Jun had. Why? Why should Wonwoo be side by side with such a human? Was not Kim Mingyu unfit him? If Wonwoo was with the third world people like Mingyu, would not that make Mingyu a protagonist? Then what about Jun? This was his love story. He was the main character. He was supposed to get the 'woman' figure he wanted and live happily.

"What do you guys like to do when you're alone?" The sentence came out of Jun's mouth like a despair. He already knew the consequences. But he did not even care. He really could not stand it, so he realized what he's been up to. Then Wonwoo? Of course he was surprised. They were nobody to each other. Jun was just someone who always watched Wonwoo from a distance, and Wonwoo was just someone who accidentally occupied a seat in front of Jun in the cafeteria that Monday. What benefits could Wonwoo get from providing answers to Jun? This was a personal matter though, in addition Wonwoo's logic spin. He began to familiarize himself with the word 'why'. Why was this stubborn Jun asking him? Jun had no reason. No, but he liked Wonwoo.

"You like me?" Wonwoo responded with a question. Jun stared at him with a confused look mixed in despair, simultaneously threatening at the same time. For a desperate gaze, that made sense. For a confused look, how could it be? Would not it make more sense if Wonwoo was confused with a too sudden question? Then for a menacing look, what did he demand from Wonwoo? An answer? Sure. What else?

"I do." Jun replied with no longer giving a damn to Wonwoo who also (actually did not mean) ignored his question.

Wonwoo embedded his typical smile, "Thanks for revealing that."

"Yes. Just up there. Furthermore, just live happily with him." Once again Jun did not know why? With a detached voice. It was really a paradox when compared to what's been hiding behind his head.

"Thank you Jun."

Jun smiled, more for himself. He remembered the warmth Wonwoo offered through a smile. Accepting it, Jun put it in a chest cavity. It did not matter though the warmth began spreading throughout the circulation of blood that rustling in the body, and ended up hurting him.








Yep, this is Broken!WonHui. I'm being melancholic for the time being so... sorry :[ however, I love WonHui /big love sign/

English aint my first language so sorry for the grammatical errors.

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