The escape

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My mind went blank and my body froze  when i heard the blaring sirens and flashing lights coming from all directions and i think if i had one my heart would have skipped a few beats. i shook off my fear and ran further into the darkness glancing over my shoulder for a second before slowing to a stop as i heard cracking twigs and crunching leaves from in front of me i narrowed my eyes lowering my body into a attacking stance and gave a low growl as i watched a  black wolf much larger than myself step out into the patch of moonlight that flickered through the trees. It was my Alpha. i immediately straightened myself up and bowed my head down my eyes glued to him as he slowly circled me coming to a stop as he starred straight into my eyes and growled.

" you are in great trouble for what you have done Alex, i have not decided your punishment just yet but when we get back to the pack you will explain yourself understood" he growled in a low voice.

"but Matt  i was just so...." i started to explain but was interrupted.

"Silence Alex you can explain when we get back but for now i want total and utter silence are we clear?" he barked his expression deadly serious.

i knew there was no point in arguing with him as he is the alpha, the sound of the sirens picked up and i looked at him panic hit me like a ton of bricks.

"we should start moving soon, Matt" he must have heard  hint of fear in my voice because as soon as i said that he turned around and started walking through he woods picking up the speed as we got closer to the pack house, running on all fours isn't as easy as it looks it takes lots of training so we don't break anything and so we stay balanced but running with one injured leg sucks the most.

finally we turned to a thick bushel of thorns and crawled through a small hole the pack house was in sight most of the pack was outside probably waiting for the return of their precious Alpha. a ball of nerves and guilt built in my stomach and made me feel sick as we walked straight through the gates a huge crowd had gathered around us he made a path through everyone walking confidently past were as i starred at the ground with my tail between my legs i could feel the heat of everyone's glares as i passed them, some people growled and barked while others shook their heads in disappointment. we got to the stairs of the house and he changed into a human again he looked at me and coughed which i took as a hint for me to do the same. i followed him inside and jumped when he turned to face me as the doors closed shut behind us i gulped and held my injured leg he glanced down at it then back up to my face.

"you should get that seen to right now Alex then we will talk after okay but i still cant believe the rumors i am hearing about you all the things you have supposedly done anyways that's a matter for a different time go and see a nurse that's a order" he grumbled then started to walk away i sighed and walked down the hall to the nurses room knocking lightly on the door i pushed it open a little then stepped in.

"hey Stephanie its me Alex i um...i hurt my leg could you look at it please" i looked around the room as i sat down and jumped a little as a tallish lady with red hair appeared from behind one of the pink curtains.

"hi Alex, gosh what did you do now your always hurting yourself" she joked as she examined my leg carefully lifting it up, i tensed and gritted my teeth she looked up at me and sighed putting it on the floor again.

"its not to bad just badly cut is all how did you do that anyways?" she asked as she ran a cloth under some warm water and gently placed it on the cut making me gasp in pain and grip onto the chair.

"i was running in the woods and tripped over a stump" i managed to choke out she nodded as she started to stitch it up.

"your brother has been worried sick about you Alex i heard he had to come and get you from in the woods, who where you running from this time?" she asked without looking up at me i gulped.

"the cops,Matt only had to come and get me cause i was injured and he must have sensed something was wrong to come away from his pack and get me" i mumbled closing my eyes and leaning back into the chair.

"actually he got a phone call from the police department saying you had been arrested and to come and get you but nobody would have expected you to escape so quickly" she chuckled and cleaned up the mess before standing back and admiring her work, i frowned and stood up.

"thanks for fixing me up steph hopefully i wont be in here for a while" i chuckled and started to leave she waved then turned around as the door shut. my brother is the Alpha of this pack  but he got everything first, the money, the girls everything but when we lost our parents he took It upon himself as my older brother to be a fatherly figure to me but to me it seems he has been trying to hard lately and its starting to piss me off a bit more than usual. on my way to his office i smacked straight into him, he grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the face worry and fear took over me people were running past us.

"Matt whats happening?"i shrieked out

"we are under attack humans have found the pack house and are armed i need you to keep everyone calm and safe okay i need to go and fight, if i don't come back just...just remember i have always loved you" he hugged me tight before leaving me standing there all alone gunshots pierced my ears and i heard someone scream my head was spinning and i couldnt figure out who it could have been then i remembered them, everything why i needed to hide from them  but now...they had found me and they wanted me dead...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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