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Justin's POV
"And then I remember there being a big gigantic cake!" My daughter Rosie says as she was describing what she remembered from mine and Hailey's wedding. "Yeah and what else?" I encourage her to tell me more. I was currently tucking her in for bed and Hailey was getting her clothes out from her closet for school tomorrow.

"Hmmm, I remember you crying," she says and I nod my head. "Yes I did cry, a lot," I say and she laughs. "And then mommy had this long dress," she says and I remembered the long tail the dress had.

Yes, my wife got the dress just how she wanted, and I made sure that dress was the most elegant piece of clothing she could ever wear. I made sure she felt like the queen she is.

She then yawns and Hailey sits on the bed next to me. "I left your umbrella next to your backpack, remember to get it tomorrow morning alright?" She tells Rosie and she sleepily nods her head. "Ready to go to sleep babe?" She asks and Rosie begins closing her eyes, slightly nodding her head.

"Good night my princess, I love you," I say kissing her forehead and she replies, "Good night daddy. I love you more," she says and my heart warms. "Good night, I love you. Let me know if you want more blankets okay?" Hailey tells our daughter as she covered her with the blanket and she nods her head. It was snowing tonight, but luckily we had a heater in her room to keep her warm. "Good night mommy. I love you more," she says and she turns to her side and shuts her eyes.

Walking out of the room, I flicker the light off. "She just loves that story of our wedding," I say and Hailey smiles. "It was very beautiful, I could never stop thinking about it either," she says. "Not as beautiful as you," I say as I then kissed her.

We both then get into bed, Hailey sets her head on my chest as usual. As I placed gentle kisses on her head, I ran my fingers through her hair, so that she could slowly fell asleep.

Beginning to close my eyes, I then hear a knock on my door. "Is Rosie knocking?" Hailey mumbled and she knocks again. Hailey lifts her head and I stand up from the bed.

"What's wrong sweetheart, you have a nightmare already," I say crouching down to her height and she runs past me. "Nope! I want to hear a story!" she says as she jumped on the bed and I turn around.

"Rosie, you have school tomorrow," I say walking to the bed and she cuddles next to Hailey. "But please? You guys have never told me this story, and I need to hear it," she says and I crawl into bed with her as she lay between Hailey and I.

"Alright, fine, what story?" I ask her. "The story of how you and mommy met," she asks me and I smile at Hailey. "Wanna know something crazy?" I say and she gasps. "Yeah!" "I actually met mommy two times," I say and she furrows her eyebrows. "How?" She asks me being confused of course.

And I told her about the story of how I got a second chance to love Hailey more than I ever could before. Before I had lost my ability to remember, and how the regaining of the memories changed my life completely, and forever.

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