Chapter 9: Right Thing To Do (Liam)

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How are you all? OMG I miss being able to like, write all day and stalk the boys on twitter and just throw my whole life away on the computer but I have school ):

Actually, school is getting better. I think it's good that I'm socializing again.

But OMG I totally feel like Hannah Montana with the double life action going on. I have my Directioner life on the internets and my real life, the one thats in school and whatevs.

Hope you guys will like this! I actually enjoyed writing it (:

Please tell me what you think! I think this will end in the next two chapters or so. /: I'm pretty sad.

Well, Love you all and have a great rest of your summer <3



A few hours later~

I sat outside in the deserted waiting room just outside the ICU, my head rested on my hand as I continued staring blankly at the pristine, sea-foam green walls. It has been about 3 hours since Niall went through that weird fit and three hours since I last saw him. Three hours since we finally confessed our love for eachother. Three hours may not seem like a long time, but three hours felt like an eternity to me right now.

I hadnʻt heard a single word on Nialls condition, where he was, what they were doing to him, or even why what happened happened. Hell, I didnt even know if he was still alive at this moment. I cringed as that gruesome thought squirmed into my mind. No. Niall was alive. He had to be.

Why was it that just when I thought he was going to get better, he only got worse? Just my luck, eh? I mean, it has to be my fault that Niall has been so unlucky as of lately. Heʻs freaking Irish, my unluckiness must overrule his natural leprechaun luck. 

Ok, fine, so Iʻm not the best at joke-telling. Shoot me.

I continued my emotionless staring for another possibly ten minutes (or ten years to be more precise) when the sound of soft footsteps caught my attention. I shifted my gaze upwards and to the left where the noise came from and saw the short and thin frame of Niallʻs mum, Maura. She was hugging her elbows to herself and looked a bit disgruntled. Her eyes were red and puffy, obvious signs that she was crying. I gave her a small smile of understanding.

"Hello, Maura." I said, my voice a bit rough and raw from my own crying and under use.

She walked over and took a seat on the slightly cushioned chair beside me. She hid her eyes with her lashes and angled her body twoards mine. I perked up with curiosity at her strange demeanor, yet I remained respectfully silent and waited for her to speak when she was ready to.

Slowly, she took a shaky breath and wrung her thin, pale hands. "How are you feeling, love?" she asked softly.

"Iʻm doing okay, Iʻm just worried sick just as Iʻm sure you are. How are you?"

She gave a small smirk. "Iʻm doing okay..." she trailed off and focused on an imaginary painting on the wall. It was evident in her face that she was currently going through some sort of inner battle. It was a few minutes before she spoke again.

"Liam, honey, I know now that you and Niall have strong feelings for eachother... And, well. I love the both of you so so much and I wanted you to know that I am completely fine with anything that happens between you two. I know that Niall loves you unconditionally just as you love him and, I just..." she paused again and bit her lip, avoiding my gaze in all means possible.

"I feel like theres something you should know about Niallʻs condition." she finished her sentence with a defeated sounding huff.

I donʻt know how to even begin to define the feelings and emotions that seemed to fill my entire body at that moment. It was like a mixture of fear, excitement, curiosity, anticipation, hope, love... I dont even know but it was just a little bit scary.

I listened intently as she began to explain to me that day Dr. Murs pulled her aside to fully explain the extent of Niallʻs status and what not. At first I was a little relieved but then reality seemed to crash around me and smother me like a thick black smoke. 

"... and the biggest problem is, Niallʻs blood type is AB-... and they've been looking for weeks and can't find a compatible donor. They informed me a little while ago that if they don't find a donor in the next 48 hours, Niall's internal organs will start to fail and... and--" she cut off and burst in to tears. 

My mouth was open in shock and I held her close, feeling all the pain and sorrow she was and we cried in eachothers arms for a long long time. But I think it's quite appropriate to say that I felt just a little more pressure than she did now that I had that information.

Why? You may ask?

Because my blood type was AB- .

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