Chapter 15

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College sucks balls.

It sucks 8 inch balls.

Thanksgiving break was over and school was back in full swing, the workload was gradually burying me to the ground. In addition to all this, my mum was constantly texting from home, wanting to know every bit of detail happening in my life. I only ever told her the basics. I finally felt liberated and free to be my own person being away from home, there was no way I was going to spoil that.

"How's your roommate? The one that looks like a boy?" I cringed internally. I wanted so badly to say something rude, to cut her off.

But I bit my tongue instead and replied with a meek, "fine".

The line was silent for a while. There was nothing for us to talk about: we had nothing in common, our relationship was strained. Had been for as long as I could remember.

"I have to go now. Bye." I curtly said as I hung up, I was walking back to my dorm room; stressed. Immediately thinking of Covey brightened me up and I practically skipped the next few steps to my dorm.

"Hey princess." Covey said once I walked in, her arm was behind her head as she lay lazily in her bed.

Dumping my bag in a corner of the room I immediately crawled into her, wrapping my arms around her neck and burying my face in her hair. As usual, I was enveloped by her warmth. I smiled softly. This had been our routine ever since Thanksgiving break. Falling asleep in each other's arms. There was no doubt that we both had feelings towards each other. Covey didn't try to push it further, she understood my predicament and I loved that about her.


The next morning on my way to class I bumped into Cameron. Literally. I had seen him in class repeatedly, but he seemed to avoid me. We hadn't spoken ever since I brashly ended things between us. Obviously, we couldn't avoid each other forever.

"Hey Cameron." I said pulling a smile on my face, I felt guilty at how forced it was, but it was the best I could do not to squirm in this uncomfortable situation.

"Hey Lara-Jean, how have you been?" Cameron asked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose then scratching his arm uncomfortably.

"I've been okay." I smiled slightly. He nodded and we both began to back away when I felt a hand clasp around my wrist.


I turned around facing him with a questioning expression on my face and Cameron scratched the back of his head some more before speaking.

"So you and Covey, huh?"

I froze. My back stiffening. I waited for something, the backlash about how disgusting I was but nothing ever came.

"I should have known," Cameron seemed to say more to himself than me then laughed, "it's okay, I just want you to be happy you know."

I think my insides melted as I stood there smiling at Cameron. I released a breath I was not even aware I had been holding all this while. Then I remembered: this was college, not high school anymore. Nobody was judgmental about things like sexuality, nobody cared.

Apart from the immeasurable amount of work. College seemed to be my safe haven. I smiled softly.

"Oh one more thing." Cameron said sharply, turning back to me, stopping me once again in my tracks. "If you want something solid up there, I'd be available." Then he winked and I just about choked on oxygen.

Did he just?

But Cameron was already gone, walking down the pathway. I stared after him for a moment before walking twice as fast to get to the class Cameron had caused me to be late for.


Class was a drag. Once I got back to my dorm I instantly went to the mini-fridge, took a packet of crisp out of it before tearing into it.

Just at that moment the bathroom door opened and Covey walked out, dripping wet and wrapped in a towel that was way too small. The crisps in my mouth turned to mush.

"Hey princess." She smiled at me and I got up off the floor to meet her. The water from her hair was dripping, running off her head and straight into my face.

"Hi." Aas all I got to whisper as my eyes darted down Covey's body. Instantly my lips locked with Coveys as she kissed me roughly, I closed my eyes and leaned in.

Covey broke away her eyes dark as she breathed heavily above me. Her next few words were something I hadn't expected to hear.

"Go on a date with me, Lara-Jean."

What was I gonna do...say no ?

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