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1. If Percy Jackson and Peeta Mellark were trapped in a burning building, who would you rush ahead of the firefighters to rescue?

Oh wow, that's a hard one! I would have to say Peeta and hope Percy could use his powers to put the water out.

2. Why don't you like math?!?!?!

I am just more of a word person. Numbers and I just clash.

3. What do you think is the best story you have written here on Wattpad?

I am proud of all my stories so that is a hard one! I have say Soarana is one I have spent a LOT of time and effort on, so I guess Soarana.

4. Hey, got any Grapes?

Ewww Grapes:P I am sure we have some around here somewhere...

5. Do you accept people even if they believe very differently than you?

Of course I accept others who believe differently. I may not become best friends with them but I will most certainly treat them equally.

6. How clean do you usually keep your room?

I usually blast my music,read a couple of pages of my latest novel, and try to pick a few items up here and there.

7. What was the most expensive thing you've ever purchased?

I am not really sure? I guess either my iPod or kindle?

8. Ever held a hundred dollar bill?

I have! It is quite something!

9. What is your favorite genre to read?

My favorite genre to read is either fantasy or romance. I enjoy both!

10. How tall are you?

I actually measured myself today. I stand at a whopping....5'2. I am short but sweet you could say.

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