Chapter 1

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My blue eyes were revealed as the sound of my alarm filled the bedroom. As I grudgingly woke up and turned off the horrendous sound, I took in my surroundings. The white bedroom seemed pure and full of happiness —to most of the world, but there were too many sickening events that have taken place here for me to ever see it as something joyful.

I ran my hands over my face and through my long platinum blonde hair, then precede to get ready for the day. After a shower I browsed through my closet to find a extremely revealing crop top, and ripped black skinny jeans that are down right sinful. I smirk back at my reflection as I applied my red lipstick and mascara. After curling my hair I fluff it and round up all the homework I slaved over last night and put it all in my backpack.

I race down the stairs as fast as my heels would let me. It was 6:51 and I was late. I grabbed my helmet, throw on some sunglasses and my biking jacket, and the keys to my motorcycle. I put my hair into a messy ponytail and jump onto my black 2010 Yamaha and took off to the pack house.

I'm Baby "Crash" Dollton and I belong to the Southern Prowlers, or at least I do until I leave the pack. To leave a pack werewolves must either meet their mate and move to their pack, or abandon the pack and become rouge. I hate this pack, but I pray to the Moon Goddess every night that I never find my mate. I believe men just use, abuse, and lose you — they don't love me, I don't love them.

I pull into the pack house driveway, but parked around the back, rather than parking next to all the other vehicles. I turnoff the bike as I take off my helmet and rush into the house. As soon as I take off my jacket I'm met with a buzzing kitchen. It takes 7 pack maids to cook and serve the meals for the pack. Amongst the maids I find my best and only friend slaving over the stove, cooking the last bit of breakfast.

The maids of the house are the lowest ranked in the pack and treated the worst. They are required to live in the pack house until they meet their mates and get the hell out of dodge.

I was broke out of my frozen state by Amity yelling at me to come help her cook the bacon. I rush over to the stove and start flipping. "I can't wait 'till you find a mate," I state as popping grease hits my slightly scarred stomach. Amity brushes her dark brown hair out of her face and huffs, "You and me both."

After everything was ready we all helped take the food to the dining room. By now most of the pack was sitting out there, chatting as they impatiently waited to eat. As soon as I walked into the room I felt eyes on my figure, per usual --I am the pack slut after all. I feel a hand on my ass as I place the giant plate of bacon on the table, I close my eyes before turning my head toward the older man and smiling seductively at the warrior. He nodded his head toward the dining hall exit and I inwardly cringed at what was about to happen.

It was 7:42 when I entered Amity's room with sex hair, messed up lip stick, and disheveled clothes. She rolls her eyes and continues to pull on her cashmere sweater and tucking it into her black skirt, "Was he any good?" she asks in a sarcastic annoyed voice. I continue to fix myself up as she rounds up all her school work, "No, but he's Melanie Sideiwg's father, and I can use that to my advantage," I bluntly reply. She scoffs and mumbles on about how she doesn't know why I do it. I laugh and tell her to get her ass out to the bike. She grabs her jacket and helmet and follows me out the door, grabbing an apple on the way.

School was typical, nothing really happened until the last hour of the day, class had just gotten out when I seen Gwen (the school's Queen Bee) and Melanie started walking toward Amity with a purpose, and I had a feeling it wasn't a good purpose, so I did what I do. Just as they were about to reach her I call out "Hey Melanie!" She turned toward me and snarked back "What?" I smirked as I say "Tell your dad I want my underwear back." They look at each other before coming up to me, and Gwen grabbing my throat and practically throwing me into the lockers and holding me there. Melanie gets into my face and asks "What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Just. Say." I just laugh, and then proceeded to get the shit beaten out of me, Amity looking helplessly from the side.

After they were through, I was lead into the bathroom by my bestie. She clean my split lip, "Why do you do this to yourself?" 

"Do what?" I mutter, playing dumb. 

Rolling her eyes she wipes a wet paper towel over my lip, "You know what, getting into fights, taking my beatings."

She throws away the trash, "I don't like seeing you hurt," I say.

She sighs, "Let's go, you don't want to be late for training."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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