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I'm not going to get much sleep tonight, I keep hearing noise from the people in the apartment above me. I should really meet them so I can keep a closer eye on them. I can do that when the sun comes up.

I finished decorating the rest of my house. I get really in the zone when I'm focused. There isn't a whole bunch of décor, I won't be staying here for very long. It looks very minimalistic, a total accident, but the less stuff I have is actually better. So at anytime I can just pack up and leave without a trace.

I also have to wait for Chris to leave for work so I can set up the cameras. I need to keep an even closer eye on him, being that he is a cop and all.

Getting out of bed I put my dreadlocks up in a messy bun and pull out my black suitcase from under my bed. Opening it, I pull out my computer and my bag of small cameras.

I checked my watch. 5:13 am.

I changed from my night clothes into grey leggings and a black long sleeved turtle neck. Then quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth.

Heading to my gear I put a bunch of small cameras in my legging pocket and my lock picking set. Realizing I'm going to need more pocket space I head into my closet. I change into my cargo pants, the one with a million pockets, then proceed to placing my things inside them.

Walking into the living room I head to the door and look through the peephole.

Standing there for what seemed like forever I tried to listen for noises. He might not be home right now. I slowly removed the locks and twisted the doorknob, opening my door.

I listened for any movement between any of the apartments. I heard nothing. Looking outside at the parking lot I didn't see any police car, so I proceeded to pick his lock.

It's complex. I know a lot about locks but this one is different it's doable but harder to pick.

I heard fast footsteps coming from one of the apartments. I froze and quickly slid into my apartment shutting the door lightly.

I heard a door creek and then nothing. I slowly stood and looked out the peephole. Chris' apartment door was open but all I saw was darkness in his apartment. Is someone else living there? Does he have someone over?

I brush the dust off my pants and look around my place. What else can I do in here while I wait for this mystery person to leave? I have some time before the sun comes up so I decided to cut the power and place these camera around the building I live in.

The apartment building has a total of 8 apartments. 4 on the bottom and 4 on top. Living in the very first one has its advantages. Sliding on my shoes, I head to my bedroom and open the window. I sat there and watched for a bit, making sure no one was walking their dogs, leaving for work and or just sitting there waiting for something to happen.

I slowly crawl out and head to the back of the building, where the main power box is. I can't see anything, so I have to be as careful as I can to make sure I don't electrocute myself.

I feel around in the box and started pulling wires until the lights from inside and around the building start turning off. 

I felt something warm coming from the box but I kept going.

"Hey!" I heard a man shout. I froze and looked around. "Get your ass over here"

I looked in the trees and a man was standing there. At first I thought he was talking to me but then a woman squealed and ran toward him. "My dad's gonna kill me" she laughed.

I quietly closed the box and sat against the wall so they wouldn't hear or see me. They are doing a bad job of trying to stay quiet.

"When can I see you again?" he asked. I heard the rustling of their clothes, maybe they're hugging?

"Next weekend"

"That's too long babe"

"Well... I have school you know that, when are you gonna get a job?"

"Fuck did you say to me?"

She paused for a few seconds. "I mean we've been talking about moving in together after I turn 18 and graduate, I just think you should be saving that's all"

"You don't know how hard it's been since Rover died"

"It's been a year since your dog died"

He pushed her off. "He got me through so much"

"I know" she chuckled nervously. "But we need money if were going to go through with this"

"Fuck you"


"No fuck you, you don't think things are hard on me?"

He sound's kind of abusive. There's no reason to get that mad.

"No, I'm sorry" She quickly apologized. "I love you"

He didn't say anything for a couple seconds. "Do you really?"

"I really do"

"Prove it"

I hear her sigh, then some shuffling around. After a while I heard slurping noises and him moaning.

"Ugh" I groaned in disgust. That man is disgusting, making her prove to him that she loves him. I felt around for something to throw and make some noise so they'd be scared and stop. Grabbing a stick I bang it against the power box. The lights coming from the building flickered and the couple stopped what they were doing. "You hear that?" she asked.

"No keep going" he half-yelled. The slurping continued.

I grabbed a rock and threw it onto the road then banged the box again. "Maybe I should go inside, I'll call you"

"Babe" he complained. "You're being paranoid"

"I'm gonna go" she said before I heard footsteps retreat to the front of the apartment building. The guy got in his car and blasted loud rap music as he drove off.

I stood and continued to shove my hand through the box of wires. All the sudden I felt sharp shock travel through my wrist and I fell back onto the ground. I grabbed my arm and tried to cover my screams from the pain. Once the pain subsided I felt a wave of exhaustion rush over me.

I looked up and the lights from the apartment building were off. I laid there and looked at the sky. It's starting to get brighter, I have to rejuvenate and set up these cameras.

I peeled my body off the ground and tried to stand. I used to wall to support my jellied legs. 

It took everything in me to make my way all around the building setting up small cameras around every entrance, exit, hidden corner and outside every apartment door.

After I finished I climbed back into my window and slammed it shut covering it with the blinds. No one saw me. I collapsed on the floor and fell asleep.

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