Chapter 24(to me )

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The morning after Piper and Alex brought back some of their great memories they got up together and realized they must have not put clothes back on. They both quickly put on clothes before Nicky walked in.

Sure enough right when they put their clothes back on Nicky walked in to say good morning to them. Then she went near the crib and said good morning in a cute little voice to the kids.

Nicky said she had to go somewhere for a while and would be back in about an hour so piper took this chance alone to tell Alex how she felt.

Piper went to the kitchen got them both coffee and went in the room and said " Alex I need to talk to you" Alex automatically thought it was something bad so she replied with "what is it pipes " and tried not to sound nervous.

Piper then said "I never told you what you mean to me so I want to now...

Alex you are beautiful. You are the most perfect and only woman that I see. You are an amazing example of a perfect human being. You are the sweetest and most caring girlfriend I or anyone can ever ask for ever. You mean more then the world to me. And just know I will always no matter what forever be here as your soon to be wife that loves you more than anything in the universe. I love you so much Alex Vause "

Alex leaned over and kissed Piper while she smiled. She said "Baby all that goes right back at you from me ,and I love you more my beautiful fiancee. "

Then after them hugging for a while Nicky walked in and stating making aww sounds and holding it out. She said it was the most adorable thing ever. Then she realized what the family was missing so she walked over leaned piper and Alex onto their pillows and laid the babies down one by one on them.

As she was laying down Summer on Piper everyone stopped because they heard a glass from downstairs shatter. Nicky grabbed a metal bat alex had for emergencies and went downstairs. When she went downstairs alex and piper heard her yelling "what the fuck is wrong with you"

Alex quickly went downstairs to see who or what it was. She called pipers name when she got downstairs and piper put the babies down and ran downstairs.

It was Larry that broke into the house. "Are you fucking stupid. Now you can get your broke ass self to your little homeless area and go get some fucking money to replace the window. And you ever put my family in danger again just watch what your life will turn out to be" Alex yelled at the top of her lungs.

All Larry was able to say is that he was sorry.

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