chapter 3

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The sirens of the ambulance came as soon as Amanda had made the call. The doctors rushed in and carried out some first aid treatment on Amanda's mom. "How is she? What is wrong with her?" Amanda said trying to understand what she was doing. "Your mom has fainted and there isn't much we can do for her here we will have to carry her to the hospital" the doctor said as they tried to carry her on the stroller.

Amanda waited outside the intensive care unit feeling agitated, anxious and depressed. She wondered what her mother wanted to tell her, could it have been what Zoey just told her or was it about her father. Amanda took a sit in the reception when she realized that standing was not going to help the procedure to be any faster. Amanda had a lot to think about and decided to write it down in her diary instead, hopefully that will make matters better.

Dear diary,
Today was the worst day of my life, I found out that my best friend for three years had turned out to be my friend only because she taught I was an alien and she expects me to calm down and pretend that nothing had just happened meanwhile I have suffered embarrassment from my peers, neighbors and everyone I've ever know except for my mother who won't tell me why I am the way I am.

Then when she decides to tell me she faints forgetting she has a child that does not have a single person that will take her in. Now I'm sure that I'm different, they make it worse by adding the fact that I can move glass which I find ridiculous but if it is true I am...

"It can't be true, I just can't believe it, aliens don't exist " Amanda said out loud as she tried to finish her last sentence in her diary. She closed the book and closed her eyes. As Amanda closed her eyes trying to calm down a flash of green light came forcing her to open her eyes but when she did everything was normal, so what had just happened Amanda wondered to herself. She decided to wait for the doctor and not think of the possibility because somewhere in Amanda's mind she knew the truth.

A doctor came out of the room and Amanda rushed to meet him. "Is my mother okay? Where is she? Can I meet her?" Amanda asked not giving the doctor any chance to give her the answer.

"Your mother had a stroke and is currently in a comma" the doctor signed clearly finding it hard to deliver the message, then continued

"I don't know how long but it will not be tonight, I advice you go home and have some rest."

"Doctor please, do something I have nowhere else to go" Amanda said crying.

"I have tried my best the only thing left to do is hope that she gets better early, she could have died but we were able to save her but now I don't just know when she will wake up again. But I can help you to call your dad or any relative." The doctor said in a caring manner.

"I don't have any father or any relative" Amanda said with eye full of tears. "But don't worry; I will stay at my friend's house." Amanda said cleaning her eyes, the least thing she wanted was for this man to realize she was a minor. "Can I visit her?"

"I'm afraid not, she does not need disturbance now and her bill needs to be paid by tomorrow before further treatment can be carried out. You will have to meet with the receptionist to discuss the price of your mothers stay here." The doctor said patted Amanda's back and left.

Things had just turned from bad to worse how was she going to pay for her mother's bill. Amanda went home late and exhausted by the burden she had to carry. Amanda felt so alone, lost and confused.
"This can't be happening, I am completely on my own this is not normal there must be one person out there I know, just one" Amanda thought to herself.

Amanda didn't sleep well that night she kept having nightmares and when she woke up it was difficult to go back again. Amanda decided to start the next day early because there was no point trying to sleep when her body and mind won't let her.

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