Chapter One

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"Did you have a good day at school, baby?"

"Yeah, it was OK. I got 8 on my spellings."

"That's great! I'm really proud of you! What other things did you do?"

"I... I did math and reading and oh! I forgot to tell you the best thing. We did dancetoday."

"That's cool. What kind of dance?"

"I'll show you!".

The small, dark haired girl walked back into the corner of the room and began to step back and forth, waving her arms around her sides.

"That looks great, peanut. But I can't see you too well. Can you ask Grandma to pick up the phone and move closer so I can see it again?"

The image of the little girl became blurry and out of focus as the phone was picked up and moved. "Is that better, Dot?" came a familiar voice from behind the camera.

"Yeah, that's good ma. Ok baby, can you show me again?"

The little girl once again did her performance, ending with a big smile. Walking closer, she picked up the phone. Her delicate features were closer now; it was easy to see the subtle ways in which she was growing out of her chubby baby face and into a proper little girl.

Letting out a sigh, Dianne leaned back in her chair, phone in hand. "I miss you so much, baby bear." The little girl nodded. "I miss you too, mama."

"You're getting so big so quickly. I'm sorry I'm not there to see it. Are you OK with grandma and grandpa?"

The girl nodded, before a warning voice came over the speaker. "Dot, she's fine. Don't upset her. We all miss you, but we know that this decision is for the best. Anyway, you'll be back with us before you know it." Dianne nodded, picking up her coffee cup and drinking slowly whilst swallowing back the lump in her throat.

"I know. It's hard for both of us. All of us. I get it."

"Anyway, you've got bigger things to focus on. Does filming start today?"

Dianne nodded, looking up at the clock behind her bed. "Yeah. Actually, I need to hurry up and get ready. I'll speak to you tomorrow."

"Emelia. Come and say bye to your mama before she goes to work. Then we need to get you some dinner."

The small girl came back into the screen and pressed a kiss to the camera. "See you later mama. I love you."

"I love you too. Be good for grandma."

Hanging up the call, Dianne closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. It had been the hardest decision of her life to move half way around the world and leave her baby girl with her parents. But it was for the best. Dancer's hours just weren't suitable for a young child; she could have so much more stability in Australia and, if Dianne worked as hard as she could, she could move back home and make a comfortable life for the two of them in a few years' time.

Collecting herself, she threw her dance shoes and spare clothes into her bag. Using the small workspace on the side, she made herself a coffee and threw a banana and a granola bar into her bag to eat on the ride to the studio.


"Hey pop."

"Hi. You nervous about today?"

Joe Sugg smiled at his Dad's words. "Bricking it. Genuinely had four nervous shits already."

"You'll be fine. You don't even have to dance today."

"I know. But today makes it all real, you know? I'm actually going to find out who I'm dancing with and..."

On That Midnight Street | JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now