Dear Poet... Saying Hello From Brazil!! : January 1st-6th

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It's extraordinary, the forms of dancing I've encountered, two souls intertwining through song. Currently,I'm deep in the territory of Brazil, where it's a social gathering everyday for these uplifting people. Their society is amongst those that create festivals, cherish life just for being alive, and they don't wast their breath as they do so. Let me just tell you as well, it's a lot warmer down here in January, god I hope you are doing fine, I hope you create a place of wonder from what I am describing to you. Oh Poet, Oh Poet! As much as I miss you, I can't strive from my path of travel and curiosity. Tonight is my last night here and I'm leaving with a group of people. I don't know what I did, to gather such a magnificent bunch of beautiful spirits, to help guide me along my path. Let me introduce you to each one of them. The first day I witnessed romance it was with the couple with the nicest attitudes, quite like myself I will say! Courtney and Gad, they weren't in the party, no. They were enjoying a lustrous view on the top of the building, the party was being held. Sipping on wind and enjoying the extra warmth from just holding hands. God almighty! They quickly saw me as I peeked over the only manufactured light shining their way. When my shadow reaches for them, Courtney had gasped and Gad came into defense as if her knight in shining armor. Cliché I know! But how else may I describe it. After a few moments of discussion, they both let the hairs in the back of their neck settle down. Their charismatic attitudes invited me into their temple called "life" but not just a temple specifically for life. It was their individual story, written in stone in the hall of sacrifice, as they journeyed with each other leaving all behind and practically living off of happiness. Their travels were soon going to end till I told them my plans of traveling the world. They looked at each other, said "that would be nice" to each other, and then resumed to ask if I was by myself and if so, if I wanted company. I quickly gave them approval because, I love people. I may see good in everyone, but not everyone is good enough, for me.

Now the second day, I met three people, one in which stood apart from the other two. His name, was Ethan. He was from America, he was Irish and Cuban as well, what a mix right? Anyways, recently he's been having a hard time. His main hobby while on vacation has been drinking whatever he'd like to drink from the local bar. Now what he didn't know was, he was of legal age and didn't have to dress up maturely. Should I have told him?... No, he shouldn't be drinking too much anyways. The foggy minded, long haired, pale skinned, and blue eyed boy, that was my age slurred his words when asking for another shot. I sat next to him and asked for what he was having. His head tilted in my direction before moving back with a 'flop' back into the center view of his glass. After a n hour or so of just, talking. I saw his lips curve up in a smile when I asked if he was okay. He looked at me with a sort of... appreciation setting in his eyes as he told me he was far way from home. He was heavily homesick, and he was robbed of his money, belongings, and essentially, plane ticket home. I shivered when I thought of the "luck of the irish" he so heavily missed out on. After a few moments of him counting what he had in his wallet, to pay for the drinks. I realized what he needed. It was like, lightning hit the ground on the bar itself because, light flashed like crazy when I stared at this nicely kept man. When I offered him the opportunity to travel with me, he quickly turned it down and groaned in disapproval. When I gave off a long sigh, he asked me why I wanted to bring him along. I told him the truth, my dear Poet, I told him the truth. I told him it was because, I was just as lost as he was. The look of disappointment flooded his face with a bright blush of red. I remember vaguely what he had said before leaving, but determining what left his lips was made even harder by the slur of words he had so vigorously used in our short conversation. Ethan, oh Ethan. You are an amazing person I can tell. How can I tell? Well you payed for my drink as well without me knowing. The smile your generosity  I'm brought to my face, encouraged me to not give up with you, oh Ethan!

Then something surprising caught my eye. I saw two silhouetted shapes wrestling with each other. We're they wrestling? No, they were not. They were laughing in the corner of the room together. Their hands locking within the each other's hand. Their faces close as they whispered to each other, giggled a little afterwards. Just by watching them I felt a burst of happiness enter my body. I bought three martinis, one for me. One for each of the shapes I saw. As I can closer I realized it was two girls. Both of them having pale white skin, one taller than the other by a few inches, her hair a medium length dark, bright blue. Makes sense, I know. But hear me out. She had these marvelous brown eyes and her smile wasn't forced. She was genuinely happy. Her eyebrows lifted in an upside down U shape. The other girl was a little shorter than the other, her hair was short and a natural color of brown. Her eyes brighter than the blue haired girl, her cheeks were semi rosy while she smiled with hidden craters called dimples on the ends of her mouth. She wore no makeup and looked almost as if... as if she had taken the identity of a gentleman as she was in a black buttoned up, collared shirt. The blue haired girl, surprise, surprise was in a nice blue dress laced at the top revealing her neckline. When I walked up to them, they were so disguised by their happiness they looked at me with confusion. They took the drinks quickly and thanked me. I asked them for their names before anything and gave them my own. Maria, was the blue haired girl, and Maggie was the brown haired girl in the buttoned up shirt. After I heard their story I knew they were perfect to bring along with Courtney, and her boyfriend. Their just the newer version of Courtney and Gad. They said they were here after traveling with their youth group last month. They stayed behind to enjoy their time and I can't blame them. Brazil is just an amazing place. When I offered them a spot on my trip they murmured amongst themselves. Their curiosity got the best of them, they quickly asked why I'm making such a generous offer. My answer simply had been, I need people to share experiences with. It took them a while, but they agreed as long as I guaranteed them a safe trip back home after our travels. I gently nodded giving them my word.

That was the third day in Brazil, just one of my nine days in the blessed country. The fifth day, as the fourth had been nothing, excluding the fact I worked harder than I have ever before. I worked hard for my dreams, Poet. I don't know how long you'll allow me to write to you. I don't quite know the tolerance level you have obtained, over the years of your developments. But, I wish you could be me, and I could understand you.

The fifth day... I met two people I had a hard time painting a picture with. How is it that?... a boy who has little to no social skills blossomed into.... a man with every intent to become well known to many. The woman he is with is something of her own extraordinary. The massive amounts of problems she had faced made me quiver, the things she had gotten through at ate my soul. Oh dear Poet, you'd like her, you'd like writing of her. Explaining the virtues in her hot pink hair, her freckles face over her pale whit skin. You'd very much like to write the most wonderful things about her nose as well!  She hates her large nose but, I know you'd find beauty in it. As you see beauty in everything but yourself. Her vibrant aura of friendliness camouflaged with the man's reserved shadow. Kamran, and Kasey, "KK".

As you may ask, why haven't you inserted "M&M" for Maria and Maggie, they've already began to acknowledge it, it's plagiarizing on their words in my opinion.

This couple, Kasey and Kamran. Kamran and Kasey, remind me of the times where I was you. Resilient, quiet, loud when I had something to say, and of course happy. While I do argue that you, oh Poet, have not been the happiest of people. It takes someone to make you see you're happy. That's why I believe I was always happy. These two extravagant souls met each other through pulling and pushing. Now, they are in a perfect harmony, nonstop swimming along each other. Occasionally brushing and giving a little nudge, but like the two halves of the ancient Chinese symbol, yin and yang. They've learned to accept one another, leading to the very love I see in them today. They didn't hesitate when I asked if they'd like to travel, said they were considering traveling to Europe in a few days anyways. Europe it is then.

Now you'll be getting this on the fourteenth, postal services through air are extremely delayed, but I find you won't expect this so no worries.

From your other half, The Writer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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