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Everybody has their end. We live life to its fullest until a person’s end. Then, depending on how one lives their life, you go to heaven, or you go to hell. It is all dependant on you.

But what happens when your fate is completely out of control? When, no matter what you’ve done in your life, you still ended up in hell?

Hi, the name’s Lance. I was supposed to go to heaven, but things didn’t really turn out that way. Yeah, I wasn’t perfect, but I was never a bad person either. Because I ended up here, born an angel, I’m being kept under tight wraps. They’re supposed to be clearing my mind today, and I won’t remember anything about who I am or who I used to be. That’s the reason I’m writing this now; so that maybe one day, I’ll still have the will to escape, and so that someone can help me with the little knowledge I may have, along with the wings they will take from me. From this day forward, I will be a slave to the demons. They will feed off of my energy, and I will be an empty body. Maybe when they clean out this room, someone will find this journal and become aware of what the demons are doing.

Hi, my name is Lance McClain. From today on, I will be called Slave 8414. I’m not the only one down here, there are thousands of us, no memory of our mortal lives, and are constantly being drained of our energy.

Signing off, Lance

Keith handed the small leather journal to the head commander, Shirogane. Lance McClain, the name of the missing prince, had been one of the victims who had been taken to hell without seeing the light of heaven.

“Shiro, this could be the biggest lead we’ve ever had to finding the prince! We need to go!” Keith protested, grasping for the worn out leather book.

“Keith, we can’t. For one, we don’t even know if it’s real. Chances are, it’s most likely another one of his tricks to drag his demons back into hell. For two, angels can’t go there; the atmosphere weakens us,” Shirogane said, throwing the book to the side. “Plus, don’t you think for a second that I’m going to let you go in by yourself either. There’s no way in hell that Zarkon would have left something that vital out in the open.”

Keith grunted and crossed his arms, grabbing the book. “There’s no way I’m just letting this slip through my fingers, Shiro. If you won’t help me, I’ll get someone else to help me,” he growled, spreading his wings and flying out.

Keith flew for quite a while, hundreds of miles away from the home he loved to the hell hole he had once been a part of.

Hell had been hidden away from the world in a large oak in the middle of nowhere. Like heaven, which floated on top of clouds, hell was hidden away from the human eye.

Keith flew inside the terrible world which he had once lived in, immediately spotting hundreds of lost souls slaving away; one of which caught his eye. A soul with chocolate skin and dark hair, small triangle markings under his eyes; just like the royal family.

“There’s no way… could it?” Keith whispered to himself.

Keith studied the male, taking notes on him before slowly making his way out of hell.


“Shiro, you have to listen to me! I think I found the prince! You have to believe me!”

“Keith, even if it was him, there’s no way we’re going to hell. There’s no way to be sure that it is him. There’s absolutely no way that I’m going to let you risk your life for a lost soul you don’t even know. Yes, the prince is important, but so are you. You’re staying. No exceptions,” Shirogane argued with the other.

“Fine! But you can’t stop me from trying!”

Keith flew away, running to the abode of his home. He walked in the door, grabbing the leather journal from his desk. If he had to do this alone, he would. He flipped through the pages, reading through some journal entries.

Hello, this is Slave 8414. This will be the last journal entry. I am assuming by past entries that I plan to leave this journal for someone to find and help save the lost souls that are being trapped here. They will be taking my wings today, which will shatter my halo. From then on, the only way I will be separated from everyone else is these weird marks under my eyes. I will leave this journal outside of the oak that’s outside of hell before they take my wings. Someone, please help us.

Keith tore out the page and laid it on his desk. “There’s no way I’m just letting this go. I have to go. I can’t just let this go.”


Keith wandered through the woods, looking for the same oak that he had once passed through. But he never made it through the oak before finding a very familiar male laying on the forest floor. A male with smooth chocolate skin and dark brown hair was laying on the floor of the forest.

“You have to help me!”


-edited by gayastrobabe-

Thanks for reading the first chapter!! I will provide some info in the next chapter. I'll be updating this story every Wednesday.

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