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Hi friends!

First, all credits went to Lisa Mcmann.
And I will continue where it's ended.

Please vote to help me create a better chapter every time !




"Alex...Wake up!"
"Who's that?" Alex tiredly reply.
"It's your brother!" Aaron said.
"Ugh...What do you want? I thought you already gone?" Alex asked.

Aaron Stowe shake his head, "We haven't go yet,because you might need some help for your broken arm. And Samheed was really mad of..."

"Samheed?He's mad? That's usual." Alex walked away, pretty annoying by his brother's useless message.

Aaron blocked him, said impatiently, "He was mad because Thisbe and Fifer were accidentally use his new component."

"Thisbe and Fifer know how to use them? Anyway, what kind of component is it?" Alex wondered.

"I'm not sure about it, Kaylee said it is electricity?" said Aaron, "You better come and check Alex."
Alex walked away, mumbling "yeah, whatever."

While walking he saw Samheed is covering in black and he is shocking. Alex asked him what happen, Samheed said angrily, "Go and watch out your sisters Stowe, I going to get

some help before Crow is injured."

Alex ran as quick as he can, saw smoke everywhere. He rushed back to the sea, fill a bucket with water. Alex came back where he has been, spoil water all over the place until the fire's gone, and eventually found out that Crow and his sisters are all okay.

Sky, Samheed, Lani, Aaron and Kaylee were there. Kaylee confused, "How on Earth can you create electricity by hand and nature materials?"
Lani replied, "It's an component and it's magic."

"In my world, we also have electricity but we don't make it by magic though." Kaylee said.

Sky reminded, "Hey don't forget why are we here guys. Samheed, what happened? How can Alex's sisters be able to use a component?"

"Well, I don't know what happen first, like..I was asleep and forgetting my materials outside..."

"What? You, forgot the materials OUTSIDE?" Lani complained.

"Ugh...sorry, but can you just be silent until I'm finish?" Samheed stared.

"Well, yeah." Lani mumbled.

"Like I said before, I'm apologizing for forgetting things, and I have no idea how Thisbe and Fifer be able to make electricity." Samheed tried to remembered what had happen.



This chap mostly describe a new component that may help a lot for the adventure. And if you notice Thisbe and Fifer are really smart.

I promised the next chap will be much more better, but I need quite a long time to upload, thanks for ya comment and voting!

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