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  "Make the stowaway walk the plank!!" The Captain yelled at his crew as they dragged a girl with brown hair, and pale skin woman wearing one of the men's shirts and pants, out of the bottom of the boat where she was living for half the voyage. Two men escorted her to the edge of the boat as rain battered down on them barely any of the moon showed through the clouds giving off almost no light.

"What about the legend?" One of the men spoke up staring into the girls green eyes that were welling up with tears, while the other mumbled about her stealing his clothes. The captain only growled at his question

"It's called a legend for a reason this idiot woman will not become a creature of the sea!" He yelled at them "Now toss her over!!" The two men looked at each other before they nodded and tossed her over into the water.

The girl felt the water wash over her face as she tried to swim above the current. The large waves kept pushing her head under filling her lungs with water. Black started to edge into her vision as she watched a blurry object swim towards her as she sunk under the waves accepting her death, her lungs burning.As she started to succumb to asphyxiation by drowning she felt pain below her waist as the skin between her legs started to meld together she opened her mouth in a silent scream, each patch of skin open to the water slowly got replaced by turquoise scales. She struggled grabbing at the nothingness in the dark water, she felt something stab into the side her neck before her insides started to burn worse and oxygen flooded her lungs a few feet underneath the raging waves. She held out her hand in front of her showing that in a midst of all the pain going through her body her fingers somewhat fused together creating a webbed texture. She looked down at her body, she gaped as she saw that her body from the waist down was turned into a fish tail scales shimmering in the moonlight. She put her now webbed hands to her neck and felt the outside of gills}. She looked at the waters around her until her eyes met with violet ones in front of her making her jump back and barely swim away using the tail. Her arm was gripped with what she thought was a hand by the way it felt and brought her back face to face with the creature. The purple tinted eyes staring into hers. She realized it was another girl, she was African American with black hair her violet eyes looking like they glow against her body. They looked each other up and down. The African American was wearing a white ripped up top covering her breasts and her brown skin slowly descended and descended into a purple tinted tail, like her own. The pale skinned woman saw that the striped shirt was still in tact while the pants were shredded and still sinking to the sea floor. The African American grabbed the white woman's hand and swam up to the surface. They reached it as the waves calmed. The two women looked at each other in the moonlight. "Hello, I'm Natalie" the African American spoke in a soft and angelic voice. "You are?" 

"I'm Paula.." the pale girl replied to Natalie's question "what happened?" Natalie's face contorted into pure confusion

"You haven't heard of the legend?" 

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