The Afterlife Part Three

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A/N: Hello again, I've decided to do another update, because I go back to school soon and probably won't be able to do much writing then.

Update: Since The Afterlife is kind of like a mini little story, I've made the epilogue that I created a sort of prologue to TBDATE: The Afterlife.

R u f u s E m e t e r i o
3:15 p.m.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was Mateo's face. It was more peaceful than I had ever seen it, free of stress and anxiety. He was absolutely beautiful.

His eyelashes are so long. This is what I get to wake up to every day.

"I'm so lucky," I whispered. My breath fanned across his face, and his dark eyebrows scrunched up.

Carefully crawling out of bed, I arranged the covers around him. He let out a soft sigh, and I could hardly stopped myself from squealing like a fangirl. What am I becoming?

I studied him. Seeing him in a bed, his hair messed up, did dangerous things to me—things that made me want to take a cold shower.

Lighting made the room flicker, and a quiet burst of thunder followed shortly after. I walked to the window and pushed the curtain aside. It looked like a freaking war zone. The wind bent the trees so they were practically level to the ground, and it pounded the window so forcefully I feared it would break. Garbage cans and lawn chairs littered the fields behind the houses. The churning sky was filled with thick clouds. Sheets of rain created a hazy sheen across the neighborhood.

A storm in the afterlife? That doesn't seem right. Especially not a storm this ferocious.

The curtain fell back into place, shielding us from the raging weather outside.

With a final lingering look at Mateo, I took the stairs two at a time. I nearly tripped on the last step.

It took me a few seconds to find the kitchen. Once inside the wooden walls, I looked in all the cupboards. There was a bowl full of hot cocoa mix sitting on the counter. I filled up a kettle and set it on the stove, heating it up. I continued with my exploration. I took out two mugs and looked out the window.

The kettle whistled. I poured the scalding hot water into the mugs and emptied a packet into each of them, inhaling the chocolate smell. I turned to bring them Mateo when someone knocked on the door.

Who in their right mind would venture out in this storm? They must have a death wish. The streets are flooded with water. With this lightning, they're lucky if they don't get struck down.

I paused at my thoughts, chuckling. I'm turning into Mateo.

They knocked again, spurring me into action.

"Jesus. I'm coming," I grumbled, turning off the burner. They better not take too long. If the hot cocoa gets cold, I'm gonna be pissed.

The knocking continued, growing more persistent. I threw open the door, suddenly at a loss for words. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

This girl is an absolute mess.

Her hand remained suspended midair, caught mid-knock. Her dark hair was plastered down with water, glued to her face. Her ebony skin was speckled with water droplets. She wore a tank top and capris, both sticking to her and sopping wet. Her boots were filled with water. Upon looking back at her face, I noticed her eyes. They were wide and made me highly uncomfortable; she was looking at me as if I was holding the fate of the world in my hands.

She lowered her arm. Her other hand clutched a large gift basket covered with a raincoat.

"Can I help you?"

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