Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Kelsey

I can see Greg's face reflected in the rearview mirror. His eyes are wild and desperate. I know I need to escape. Only I don't know how. I need time to think. For the moment, I decide I should keep him talking, distracted.

"Greg, you don't have to do this," I plead, wiggling my wrists, hoping to loosen the ropes encircling them. "If we get Luke, he can help you figure out a way to get Emmie back."

Greg glances at me using the rearview mirror. His eyes are cold and hard. "This is the best way, Kelsey."

I try to be inconspicuous as I work furiously at loosening these ropes binding my hands. "There has to be another way. One that doesn't end up with Penelope's mother dead. You don't want her to lose her mother."

"You're kidding, right?" he asks, full of disdain. "You don't have to die, Kelsey. This is the thing I've always hated about you. You're selfish and self-involved. If it's not your way, then it's just wrong and dire and the world is coming to an end."

He breathes out, and changes lanes on the road. "Tell them you renounce this stupid anti-Life First sentiment, and raise your daughter in peace in FoSS. It's really simple."

Gee, I had no idea my brother-in-law hated me and thought I was selfish until this very moment. Yes, I guess I should have clued in when he kidnapped me. But, I thought that was more about saving Emmie's life. Now, it sounds like kidnapping me and turning me over to FoSS is something he'd be happy to do without Emmie being institutionalized.

I am not sure where to take the conversation now. Arguing with him seems like a bad idea. FOSS wants me dead. When I was selected, or marked, to donate a kidney, it was because of the Life First policy, which dictates we endeavor first and foremost to preserve human life, even if it means sacrificing our organs. Unfortunately, I don't think FoSS cares whether I renounce my beliefs or not. They think I've started a movement and I think more than anything, they just want me dead. But, I won't be able to convince Greg of that. Given his disdain, I don't think I can appeal to his sympathy for me. I try pulling my wrists apart some more, but it seems like the ropes are getting tighter, not looser.

I look out the window and see a road sign indicating we are getting closer to the border. I have to think of something right now. Once we were in FoSS, I am dead, and I have no way to make sure Penelope is safe and returned to Luke.

"OK, I'm selfish," I tell him. "I admit that. I'm sorry."

I can hear the panic in my voice. This is not going to go over well. I have to compose myself. I look at Penelope, innocent in her car seat. I have to figure this out for her.

"But, just because I'm selfish doesn't mean you should trust FoSS," I say, trying to steer this conversation away from me and my misdeeds. "Just because you deliver me doesn't mean they'll give her back to you."

His eyes find mine in the mirror again, and part of me hopes he'll crash the car — not a real smash-bang-everyone's-dead-crash — but a fender bender that will bring help my way. His eyes express uncertainty.

"You can't game me, Kelsey," he says, without much force.

"I'm not trying to game you," I tell him. "It's just that you could ruin my life and Penelope's life and Luke's life and still not get Emmie back."

He shakes his head, the helmet of black hair bobbing rhythmically in front of the head rest. "We've signed an agreement. I bring you in, and they give me Emmie. Simple as that."

"What if they rip up the agreement when you hand me over?"

He is silent; I am too. My skin is bleeding now. The ropes are cutting into me way too badly.

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