The Thing On the Tape

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Hello! Yay, ITS MY FIRST STORY :D Let me know what you think of it I worked hard on it but I have no idea how well it it turn out. This is about Slenderman, so I have officially joined the bandwagon!

Here are a few notes:

- The thing is Slenderman, but they don't know, so that's why they call him a thing.

- Drew and Gary are 16 and the person (its a girl) who finds the tape is 13

- I imagine they live in Vermont somewhere.


“Max, come here!” I yelled. God, that dog is a pain in the ass. Mom told me to take him for a walk in the woods behind our house, and look what happens! Well, he hasn't been on a walk for a long time, so I sort of can't blame him. I ran after him, hoping to find him before dark. These woods are so big and there are so many freaking trees! I’ll never find my way out if we go too far in.

After a few minutes of running, I finally caught up to Max. He was standing in front of a tent, or what looked like a tent.

It wasn’t uncommon for people to camp out here. But the tent was all torn up, like a bear attacked it, except we don’t have any bears out here. Honestly, I was surprised it was still standing; the thing look like it was ready to fall! I walked around the outside of the tent, twigs snapping beneath my feet. The whole thing looked big enough for two people, but where were they?

“Hello?” I called out, “Is anyone here?” No answer. I have a bad feeling about this.

I looked at my watch and realized that it was almost dinnertime. Just as I started to head back, Max started barking hysterically at the tent.

“What is it Max? Is someone inside?” I asked him.

Naturally, he didn’t answer, but I noticed his tail was between his legs and his barks were sounding more and more like yelps, which is something he never did unless he was frightened. Something was scaring my dog. And it was inside the tent.

I walked up to the tent and opened the flap, leaving Max behind me to bark at the tent. The inside was no better than the outside. There were two sleeping bags, so I was right about there being two people. One was lying somewhat neatly on one side of the tent, but the other was all messed up, like there was a person inside and someone, or something, was trying to get them out. Everything else was scattered about, like someone had been in a hurry to pack up and get the hell out of there. And like I had guessed before, there was no one inside. That bad feeling I had before was starting to sink in again.

That’s when I noticed the tape recorder next to the wrecked sleeping bag.

I picked it up, turning it over in my hand. By now, it was getting pretty dark and Max had joined me in the tent. I turned on a cracked electric lantern that was hanging from the top of the tent so we at least had some light. We should be heading back by now, but I had to know what happened.

I looked at the time the recorder was used. “1:34… Just last night?”  I wondered out loud. Thinking the recorder might hold some answers as to what’s going on, I hit the play button and listened carefully…

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