Band Camp Survival Guide For New Members

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Wear Sunscreen, even if you think you don't need it

DON'T DRINK MILK BEFORE YOU GO OUT IN THE HEAT. YOU WILL THROW UP. safest bet is to stick to water my dudes 

Take morning stretches seriously, and try to do some light yoga stretches before you sleep to help your muscles 

Participate in all extra activities and bonding things

If staying at a overnight camp pack Lysol spray and air freshener. TRUST ME

Please god make sure to shower (you'd be surprised how many people try not to)

Get out of your comfort zone and make as many friends as you can!

If you have a question ask it 

Practice long tones outdoors before camp and fairly often after so you can make sure you're constantly in tune with the weather change 

Memorize your music beforehand. It will help you in the long run

Don't involve yourself with the drama that starts 

If you're a woodwind instrument. BRING EXTRA REEDS

If it's super hot out try drinking water that isn't freezing cold because you can put your body into shock from the sudden change in temperature

Prepare yourself mentally for playing and marching all day, it can and will take a toll on you

Most importantly Have fun! Marching band will be the best four years of your high school career

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