Chapter 1: Spark of Rebellion

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The Trojan Worm armies overpowered the Kingdom of Loule, and it fell to its control. The conquerors plundered the royal palace, and all servants and lords were killed. Trojan Worm governor-general Ternet Inuser decided that the strategic position Loule was in was perfect for his headquarters, and so, he and his elite troupes moved in the massacre house. Little did they know, or maybe because of their conceit, they overlooked the fact that the military prince and heir to the throne was well and alive.

            Maik Brightbord crawled in the palace ceiling vents and ended up in the royal meeting room, where Ternet Inuser was talking with his advisers. The prince moderated his breathing, and started to listen in on their conversation. He had planned to sneak into his quarters to retrieve his sword, Sterne Leistungsschalter, but guards were patrolling the floor.

“Lieutenant, I want you and your troupe to search the kingdom of their rare weaponries. Bring them to me.”

“Yes, sir.”

            He turned to another man in uniform as the other one left the room.

“And you, my son, I want you to take a look around; everything here will be yours.”

“I know, father. This will be the perfect start for the world we envisioned for ourselves.”

“That’ll be for later; for now, I want you to get something for me… someone, rather.”

“What for? We’re above everyone else. Nobody would go against us.”

“We are never without enemies; there would be those who would go against us.”

“We have all the weapons anyone would wish for; why fret?”

            The governor-general paced around the room and smoked his pipe.

“You are young indeed, son; but we have made many enemies, those who do not understand the beauty of our plans, the greatness that will befall all of us, given they concede.”

“Who dares go against us? Tell me; I will kill them all.”

“You do not know this enemy; Lamia Mordrake is a demon indeed.”

            The son quieted a moment, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Mordrake; I’ve heard of him. He’s the infamous demon our fallen troupes encountered, correct?”

“Indeed. We have no idea of his motives; for all we know, he may be forming a rebellion of his own to overthrow us. He will never die.”

            A pause.

“This person you want me to take, how will he be a help to us?”

“Not he, son.”

“A woman?!”

            The governor-general gave him a scornful look.

“Don’t speak off of women; your mother was one.”

            Maik felt himself smirk from the comment. Even the conquerors had their moment of stupidity. Leaning in on their conversation, he tried to pick up information, especially of the person they were going to abduct.

“Well, moving on; this woman, who is she? Why is she so important?”

“An Etherean, Angel, to be exact.”

            Maik bit his lower lip as he leaned further.

            The governor-general sat down on the king’s lion hair business seat and folded his hands over one another. His son leaned over as the governor stared at him.

“This certain Angel’s body has certain properties as what I have researched. Her hair, for one, has intense healing properties. Have you heard of the fabled Roseta? The strings are made of her hair. If those dead cells of hers can cause healing, what more if we could harness her living faculties?”

“You definitely sound like a perverted pedophile the way you say it, father.”

“Speak respectfully; I am still your overlord.”

            Maik’s eyes scrunched into slits, as he knew only one Angel who had such properties.

“Forgive me, then. Who is this Angel you speak of?”

“Nayateri Yula-toori.”

            At once, Maik’s sudden pressure to the vent caused the olden structure to give way, and he fell to the meeting area, startling and stunting the two conquerors. Before they could react, he ran as fast as he could, out of the room and towards his quarters.

“What are you waiting for, son?! Go get that spy!”

            Maik ran through the hallways, passing through guards and confusing them in the process.  His room was not too far, and he needed Sterne badly. If he was going to fight all of the conquerors in his palace, he at least would want a good fight.

“What are you imbeciles doing?! Get that spy!”

            Maik suddenly had a battalion after him, and he quickened his pace by jumping onto the walls and swinging through the sturdy chandeliers. At one swing, he sent a hard kick to the door of his room, breaking it, and the guard’s neck. In the middle of the room was Sterne.

            Without speaking, he grabbed the sword and slashed it in front of his adversaries, decapitating them in one blow. The blood from the fallen soldiers blinded those behind them, and Maik was able to escape through the window. The son of the governor ran into the room after partial blindness and jumped out of the window as well.

“Get backup! He’s escaping!”

            Maik eventually found himself cornered to the Pink Ravine beside the violent thrashing of the Blue River. He had no choice when the troupes surrounded him with the xmaster weapons that were made by his own people. Not even the most powerful slash of Sterne would save him from the people around him.

“Nowhere to go, spy. Say your last words.”

            Maik looked down to the pitch black pit, and in the back of his mind, he prayed someone would find him.

“Not quite.”

            And with that, Maik Brightbord disappeared into the depths of the cliff.

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