Chapter Two

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Castiel was rudely awakened by the sound of his cell ringing. He reached to pick it up without bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" He grumbled.

"Cas, can you come over?" It was Meg. "I have a wicked hangover," she didn't sound upset at him so she must have gotten his note.

"Sorry Meg, I have an early class I need to get to," he responded, checking the time and realizing he was going to be late. "I promise I'll come over after with some chocolate milk and Advil."

"Oh okay, see you then," she said before hanging up the phone.

Castiel threw his phone in his book bag and quickly got dressed for the day. He rushed out the door of his apartment, and ran toward the parking lot. Castiel of course had parked his car at the far end of the lot and was sprinting to his car.

"Hey, want a lift?" Castiel turned at the sound of a car pulling up beside him, almost surprised to see Dean. He was sitting in a shiny black Impala 67; bright green eyes sparkling under the morning sun.

"I just met you, why would I get into your car?"

"Why the hell not?" Dean smirked. Castiel hesitated a moment but decided to get in, he opened the passenger side door and slid in next to Dean.

"Where to?"

"Just get me to campus"

Dean pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the street towards the university. Led Zeppelin played loudly out of the speakers and Castiel smiled when he noticed Dean nodding his head to the beat and mouthing the lyrics.

"So what were you doing at my complex anyways?" Castiel asked, genuinely curious.

"I live there"

"Oh, really? What floor?"


"I'm on 8"

Castiel made a mental note of Dean's floor... just in case. After a few minutes of pleasant silence, Dean pulled into one of the university parking lots. Castiel grabbed his book bag and was about to get out of the car when Dean stopped him.

"Wait Cas, What's your number?"

"Uh... why?" Castiel frowned.

"Incase... I ever need a ride," Dean shrugged. Castiel rummaged through his bag pulling out a paper and a pen and wrote down his number, passing it to Dean. He took it and slipped it into his pocket. Castiel got out of the car and waved to Dean as he pulled out of the spot, waving back at him.

After Castiel's last class ended a little before lunch time, he walked to the drugstore to get Advil and chocolate milk.

Once he had gotten what he had came for he grabbed a few things for himself before leaving; shampoo, razor blades, condoms, toothpaste and a pack of gum. As he walked to the register he heard a low cough behind him and turned on his heel.

"Dean? What the fuck man, are you following me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, I'm just picking up a few things before I head home," Dean said casually continuing to search the shelves.

He peered into Castiel's basket and picked out the box of condoms, smirking.

"Going somewhere later?"

"Give those back Dean," Castiel said firmly.

"Oh baby, it gets me all tingly when you get all stern like that," Dean joked, tossing the box back into the basket. Castiel walked to the counter without saying a word to Dean. 'What an assbutt' he thought and even though he wouldn't admit it, he was glad he talked to Dean.

Castiel knocked on Meg's door. He heard feet shuffling and then locks clicking on the other side until she finally opened it squinting up at Cas and hissing at the light like a cat. Castiel walked inside, adjusting his eyes to the dark. Meg had all the lights off and all of the curtains and blinds shut tight. It was close to pitch black inside despite the fact that it was 12:30 on a summer afternoon. Castiel pulled the chocolate milk and Advil out of his bag and handed it to Meg.

"Perfect, thanks so much."

"No problem"

Castiel sat on a couch in her living room and Meg went to the kitchen to grab a glass. She came back a few minutes later holding two glasses of chocolate milk, she passed one to Castiel and then collapsed onto the couch beside him, being careful not to spill her drink.

Castiel took a slow sip of his milk and wiped his mouth on his sleeve

"I feel like an eight year old drinking this, but it's so good," he stated.

"You didn't feel like an eight year old last night," she said laying her head on the armrest and putting her legs on Castiel's lap.

"Do you touch a lot of eight year olds Meg Masters? I've always known you were a pedophile," he joked, earning him a kick to the arm.

"Ow Meg, so I guess you abuse people too," Castiel laughed.

"Shut up," Meg chuckled.

Castiel leaned back putting his head on the opposite armrest, crossing his legs and putting them beside Meg's head. He closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head. He felt Meg roll off the couch, all of a sudden he felt a weight on his chest and not a metaphorical weight either. He let out a heavy breath and flicked open his eyes, Meg was lying right on top of him.

"How about we order some pizza and move some furniture around?" She said with a sly half grin and a suggestive eyebrow wiggle. Usually Castiel would never turn down free sex but he just wasn't feeling up to it today. Meg was sexy, beautiful and fun but his mind kept wandering to a certain someone else...

"I can't, I've got to work tonight," he lied.

"We can be quick."

"Another time," he promised half wittingly.

Meg looked disappointed but she nodded her head in agreement anyways. She pecked the tip of his nose and rolled off of him.

"I guess I'd better let you go then"

Castiel got off the couch and moved towards the door slipping his shoes on and grabbing his bag. Meg gave him a quick kiss and a little hug before gently pushing him out the door.

Castiel walked back to his apartment. He was sweating lightly in the summer heat. He spotted Dean's car in the lot and smiled. He was hoping that he would see Dean again soon, Dean made him feel bubbly inside but he also twisted his stomach into knots. He'd just met the guy and already he wanted to be with him 24/7.

Castiel was walking up to the building when his phone starting ringing in his bag. Hastily he searched through his stuff before finally grabbing his phone. He checked the caller ID and smiled... It was Dean.

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