chapter 1; lucky ones

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A/N: I mentioned that I might write something for RDR2 because I love it so much so far, and here I am!

Anyway, here we go, and I hope you enjoy.

PS for this story, you, the reader – will be British (it's just to add a bit of a different twist to other stuff I've attempted to read)

That said, please enjoy :-)


'Every now and then the stars align,
boy and girl meet by the great design.
Could it be, that you and me
are the lucky ones?'

In only a short space of time, it seemed fate had been able to turn your whole existence upside down.

A modest girl from the heart of England, chucked so abashedly into a brawling pit of trigger happy, money driven monsters. This was all you had come to learn for your 6 month stay in a small farmhouse just west to the town of Valentine.

And like sand draining from an hourglass, you had lost everything. Your father, family - your will to live at one point. But that was all to change in the form of some words from a stranger:

'I found a girl tied up in here!'

Stolen like some prize puppy, you had been taken from your family as ransom for your father to pay off a six figure debt to some men who called themselves the 'O Driscolls'. It appeared your father had 'borrowed' money off them when he first moved your family here, to help set up your home whilst he settled into his new job at an American Law Firm.

It seemed they barely gave your father enough time to make his way to you, as they became bored of waiting and you had found out through gossiping from outside the shanty outbuilding you were kept in; that your father had been killed by the leader, Colm.

With your father out of the picture, and hearing talk the vicious gang had gone back to slaughter the remainder of your family - you were left tied ever so tightly to an uncomfortably old wooden chair in the outhouse. The only time the men came to see you was if they were feeding you a scant amount of food or water, or whether they fancied something to take their anger out on...

So when you were eventually discovered by the likes of a tall stranger, silhouette starkly outlined in the harsh sunlight of the doorway - you were fearful at first, and sceptical. What if these men were just the same?

They proved to be very different.

The stranger had cut you free from the chair, your aching limbs could've cried out for the relief you felt.

The tall stranger, your saviour - introduced himself as Arthur Morgan as he had helped you out of the chair. He seemed to be a fair deal nicer than any of the men you had met here so far. He towered over you, and had this sort of permanently collected look in his wintry blue eyes.

He had let you back across the camp to some other men and their horses, and upon sight of them you once again became nervous. You had seen the violence in so many men as of recent, you had become fearful to their intentions.

Arthur began speaking to a black haired man sat on the back of a small white horse, it's hooves pawing impatiently at the ground below as the two men chatted. Chatted about what to do with you.

"She can come with us, Arthur. Back to camp." The black haired man said, looking down onto you with friendly hickory brown eyes.

"Take her back with you on Phantom, we can get her injuries looked at when we reach camp."

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