~chapter 1~

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(A/N:) New story time! I'm actually hoping to stick with this one, guys. So comment, vote, add and share if you hate the first day of school! Dedicated to SometimeLove for her undying support. <3 Also kudos to Wattpad for the amazing t-shirt material quote. :D


Kat and I skipped through the halls of Hamilton High sucking on ring pops and joking about summer. It was a brand new school year and we were fired up and ready for work. Okay, I'm kidding. In reality I'm dragging my feet through the halls, tiredly rubbing the sleep from my eyes while I listen to Kat bubble on and on about her perfect summer in Fiji.

"It was just beautiful! And then he took me to this little beach and we watched the sunset and we kissed..."She sighed and I could just picture the dreamy look on her face. Unfortunately for Kat I'm not a morning person. Or afternoon. Or night for that matter. We stopped by our lockers, unlocking them and putting in books."What about you, Max? How was your summer?"

"Me? Oh, I visited Disneyland." I grinned cheekily. It's always been a dream of Kat's to go to Disneyland but her parents,although they can afford to let her go, don't want to. They think she's too old for that sort of thing.

I know right? I pity them. Poor Kat. She was a closet Disney lover. She's knows every song and takes every opportunity to council me about my love life using multiple song quotes. I'm pretty sure she can quote every single Disney movie ever made. And probably ones that haven't been made yet. She even wanted to have seven kids and name them after the seven dwarves at one point.

I know. She's crazy.

"NO WAY." She stopped packing her locker to stare at me wide-eyed. I grinned turning away to look inside my locker.

"Yep. If you count the marathon I had the day after you left." It took her a couple seconds but finally her brown eyes widened in realization and she smacked me across the head effectively knocking my beanie away.

"Ow!" I exclaimed picking it up and pulling it back over my short, red hair which I didn't comb at all this morning hence the beanie. "What was that for?"

"Pretending to live my dream while I was away!" I gave her a blank stare. Sometimes Kat could be so oblivious to how priveleged she actually was. It was something I loved about her though. She was the little pocket full of sunshine that lit up my rainy days. We started walking again. Well, Kat skipped and I trudged along beside her.

"I thought your dream was to kiss a French boy?" I smiled innocently. Kat nudged me and I stumbled into the lockers laughing.

"What did you really do for summer?" She asked when I caught up to her again.

"Oh, you know. The usual. Eat, sleep, read, repeat." Hey, that's really catchy. That needs to be on a t-shirt. Kat frowned at me. Uh oh. I knew what was coming right about now.

"Don't you ever get out? C'mon. You have to have been out at least once this summer. Met at least ONE boy?" She looked at me eyes wide and hopeful. Hope that I was about to crush like a really annoying ant.

I slowly shook my head."Nope." I'd met enough boys to last a lifetime. Okay, maybe not but between my brothers and my father I think my days meet their quota of testosterone every morning.

"Okay. A girl?"

I flicked her. 

"Ow! What? You're so hopeless! I had to ask." She rubbed her arm and then stopped in her tracks. I stopped too looking at her. 

"Kat?"A slow smile crept onto her face. And this ladies and gentlemen was the first sign that I should run. I was so caught up in trying to figure out what evil plan she concocted in that cute, little head of hers that I didn't even look behind me which is where she was looking. Ladies and gentlemen, if I had looked maybe my life would be different today. Perhaps the world wouldn't be in danger right now. Maybe the apocalypse wouldn't have started. And maybe I'd be a little less dramatic. But unfortunately for all of you I'm as observant as an ostrich with it's head in the sand.

"If you're not gonna do something about your sad love life-"

"Hey! My love life isn't sad! I'll have you know I'm in a committed relationship with Dylan O'Brien." And we're ignoring the fact that he doesn't know about it or me for that matter. Kat ignored me completely,pressing on with her mad talk.

"C'est parfait! The lonely loser girl and the resident bad boy." She smirked wickedly. I didn't have time to translate her French to English(later I'd realize she'd said,"It's perfect!") I barely even had time to register the fact that she'd called me a loser because as she said,"boy" she stepped forward and shoved me as hard as possible to the right.

And I collided with someone sending us both flying to the floor. 

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