Chapter 7

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Jayanti pov

Before I can say further he said * she don't love me....*

How can it be possible?

The way Aditi talked to him shows that she is also interested in him.

But after what he said I also feel very sad for him.
Not that I am happy that she don't love him but he is hurt because of her and I don't want to saw him in this state.

I m sitting with him right now after I told him to tell me where he was.

He was looking hurt.
I can't do anything for him?

I m his Friend I have to find some solution to cure his wounded heart.

The bunch of roses he bought for her was placed there.
That ring...
He also placed it there.

He was not crying but he was thinking something. Something that he wanted always but what is it?

I want him to say something.
But now I have to start this conversation.

*Hey Ishan wait. Just tell me what she said to u?* I asked.

He was silent.

I shaked him from putting my hand on his shoulder.

*What happened just tell me? Please.....?* again I asked him this time showing my puppy eyes so that he can understand.

*SHE. IS. MINE.* he said only three words but for me it's like an arrow that aimed towards my heart it  shattered my dreams, my feelings into pieces.

I can't even cry.

*SHE. IS. MINE. no matter what I will make her mine. Today she don't want me but one day she will willing to live with me. She said that I am not worth for it. Right? But one day I will show her that I am the only one for her. No one else.* I saw determination in his voice, love for her that I wanted for me.
But it can't happen right?

*What she said just first tell me?* I was acting confused so that he can tell me everything.


Ishan pov

I was waiting for her in the park as I was hell nervous.

It was already 7 pm but she is not here yet.

As I was sweating for no reason she appeared with her beautiful smile.

She was smiling and talking on the phone.

Little bit I was jealous to see that the person was making her smile. But I want that I am the reason for her smile.

She saw me and waved her hand towards me.

Firstly I was doubted that she was waving at me or someone else but after conforming that she was waving at me only I also waved at her.

She came near me and looked confused.

I was hell nervous to even asked her why was she confused.

Then she spoke first,

*Where is Jayanti? She called me here. Right?* Asked Aditi making me think of it.

*No she didn't called u. I was the one who said her to call u for coming here.* I said after much hesitation.

*You. Oh so what is it? Why u called me here at this hour?* she asked taking a look of her watch.

Strange. Right? In this 21st of century. Some People thought that they  have smart phones so y is the need of watch? That's why I love her because she is unique.

But in today's world anything or say everything can happen if a non-living thing can become smart.
Smart phones.

Come back to smart and beautiful  Aditi from smart phones.

She asked me making her an eyebrow up.
As if asking me for something.

But what can it be that???
Lemme guess....

Oh yeah she was asking me that why I called her here at this hour.
Oh I m just dumbo.
No her love made u that dumbo.

*I want to say something... something about myself. When I first saw u at that very moment I fell for u. I don't know how or why but I just didn't realised what was happening around me. Whenever u came around me I lost my voice everything and I promised u that I can lost anything for u but not u.I want to say that. I. LOVE. YOU.* I said it in one go. I know she didn't understand a word. Or did she?

She was shocked after hearing my confession.

After a while she said making me frown at her words.

*I am sorry but we can't be together... my... my father wouldn't allows you... for him the person who is or will love me should be a businessman or kind of that. He never allows me to make any boy-friend. Even I have very few people that is my friend only few girls. We can't be together. U r not worth of it. Just forget me because u don't want to become a businessman and other than businessman my father won't allow any other person to come in my life. I don't want that for me u sacrificed your dream. So just forget me Ishan. We can never be together. I am sorry. I am really sorry. I can't love u. I am sorry....* she said and started making her out of the park.

I was standing there still thinking what the hell just happened?


Jayanti pov

*I didn't even give her that ring those roses. But I promised to myself that I will make her mine again. No matter what.* said Ishan.

I m controlling my tears that are coming one by one which means I am crying already.

I wiped my tears and patted Ishan's arm.
So that he will be alright.

But after sometime he said something which very painful to me...

* I will tell my dad that I want to read and built career in business of his. I will become most successful business man in the world and after that I will make her mine. Today is 27th December 2018, the birth of Salman and the new beginning of mine too. It is the year 2018 after 4 years later that means 27th December 2022, I will propose her again and that time she will not reject my proposal.* he said after all he is The Great Ishan kishan.

I m in no mood of jokes.
Because my life become joke.

I loved him not because he have money or looks or anything,
I just love him for no reason because to love someone there is no reason or intension behind it. Right?




So I know that this is very short chapter comparing to previous one and boring too but what can I do? U have to go through with this if u want a happy ending. But guys in my story u can't find any happy ending because I don't like happy ending I love sad ending.

This story is Half of Ishan's pov howz it?
Do tell me from your views about it.

I made a new cover please guys tell howz it?

I made 3 covers all r made up by me no one's idea.
Pat on my back.😂😉

So please guys vote, comment and share ur views.

Thank u for those who voted my previous chapters.💖💙


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