I just wanted a snack!

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Magolor sighed.
Living with the rest of the dream friends was... An experience, to say the least.
Not necessarily a bad one, no- it could be fun at times- he wouldn't deny that. Being so close to people like this wasn't something unwelcome to him. He lived most of his life alone, so to have people around him was a nice change- however, he would be lying if he said it didn't get a bit... overwhelming at times, though.
From downstairs, yelling could be heard. This wasn't uncommon in the house- so many people in one place is bound to cause a lot of noise.
This time, it wasn't yelling of frustration or anger, though- for that, Magolor was grateful. He had gotten enough of that lately, as last week Marx ate all the tea bags, which angered Taranza a great deal- Tea is the only thing that keeps him from snapping in the mornings, without it he is... Cranky, to say the least.
Instead, it was more of a cheerful series of exchanges- people were yelling something about "road work" and "hoping it does."
He never understood the jokes some of these people made.
He sighed once more, shaking his head and rubbing his temples.
All he needed to do was get something to eat- he was growing hungry and short-tempered.
He hoped he could do that without getting wrapped into the nonsense downstairs...

And so he traversed down the steps, walking down into the kitchen and proceeded to scan the area for any possible snacks he found as worthy prey.

He spyed a bag of chips on the counter- unopened, and therefore not claimed. He grabbed it with a grin- it was rare to find any snacks like this that didn't belong to others. Chips were good, he admit- and the others would definetly agree.
He hoped no one would catch him in his eating and try and force a few out of him. These were his. HIS chips.

No such luck, however- as soon as the Halcandran fellow bit into one of them, one of the people yelling whipped their head around- just how did they hear that over their own noise?
Ah, of course it was Bandee. When yelling things like that, it was often him, Adeleine, and Ribbon- often had something to do with what he called "vines"- Magolor had no clue what nonsensical phrases had to do with plants.

"Hey! Are those my chips?!" The bandana-clad child called out, a hint of anger in his voice.

Magolor raised a brow. "No? It was unopened." He continued to snack on the aforementioned goodies.
"Well, turn it over!" Bandee protested.
Magolor sighed. Must be a bluff, he thought.
And so, he turned the chip bag around to face him, and-

Welp. Right there, "BANDANA" Was written in suprisingly neat handwriting, though it looked almost cartoonish- with a spear signature near it, nonetheless.
Magolor put down the bag and sighed, shoulders slouching. Of course, the one bag of chips that was seemingly untouched already had an owner.
"Sorry." Magolor shrugged, a little dissapointed at the loss of the tasty treat.
"Well," Bandee hummed. "I suppose I can forgive you- on one condition." Bandana continued, a grin spread on his face.
Adeleine and Ribbon already seemed to suspect the plan, as they were unsuccessfully attempting to stifle their own giggles.
Magolor groaned. "And that is?"
"You have to watch vine compilations with me." Bandana added, their grin at full force now.
"I said-"  "No, no I heard you," Magolor shook his head and waved his hands in protest. "But what."
"Well! I've been wanting to show you some for a while! But you always are such a grump about it."
Magolor rolled his eyes. "I'm busy! I have better things to do." He protested.
"Well, if not, I can always just tell everyone you watch-"
Was this child blackmailing him?
"Ok, ok, fine." The household did NOT need to know about his secret anime addiction, he thought.
"Good." Bandana grinned yet again. It was starting to weird Magolor out.
"Okay, everyone! It's time!" Bandana called out.
"Time for what?" Magolor raised a brow.
"Well, do you think I wouldn't make this into an event of sorts?"
Magolor blinked, his eyes widening in confusion.
"You got everyone to watch them with you?!" He exclaimed.
"Even Zan?!"

Dear Nova why.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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