Darry vs Memes

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Ponyboy: *Throws paper in the trashcan* Yeet!

Darry: What is "yeet"?

Sodapop: PONY NO, DON'T TE-

Ponyboy: Its like, when you throw something... yeet!

Darry: Oh! uh, alright...


Darry: *Throws pencil* Yeet! 

Sodapop: *Glares at Ponyboy*

Ponyboy: *Looks down*

Darry: *Throws book* Yeet!

Sodapop: See what you've done, Pony?

Ponyboy: Darry...... could you maybe.... stop saying yeet?

Darry: *Throws Ponyboy* YEET!

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