Effects Of Premarital Sex (..why and how you should flee from it)

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                ..why and how you should flee from it

                                  SUNDAY MOSHOOD


                                      Effects of Premarital sex

                           (why and how you should flee from it)


                                               Copyright © 2014

                                                Sunday Moshood

                                               All rights reserved.

                                 No portion of this book may be used without the written                  

                                   permission of the writer, with the exception of brief

                                 excerpts in magazine articles, journals, reviews, etc.

                               For any feedback, question, suggestion, information, and so on,

                        please contact

                                     Sunday Moshoood

                               Tel.:  +234 8185021024

                          E-mail: sundaymoshood@yahoo.com


This book is dedicated to The Almighty God. The Loving Father Who loves me before I know Him, Who called me into His Grace, and Who is using me for great exploits that are beyond my own imaginations and scopes. All Glory, Honor, Praises, Adoration, and Thanks, be unto God our LORD, forever and ever, Amen.

I also dedicate this book to my fellow youths who will decide to shun premarital sex, and will be determined to live a chaste, pure, holy, devout, and righteous life for God, all for God’s Glory. 



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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