How I Gave Elsa a Haircut

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In the unknown forest of Al Pradis, a little boy was scouting for fruits. He turned around as he heard a shrill voice cutting through the air.

"Zemroff, oh Zemroff! Hey, are you single?"

"What has this world come to?" Said Zemroff to himself. "Sorry, I was changing the TV channel" Zemroff quickly replied.

Elsa dragged her big puffy hair around on the ground. "Tell me a story about pickles."

Zemroff sighed. "Your hair... its filthy!"

Elsa nodded. "That's a fine start. Something about my hair, something about pickles, it's all news to me."

"LOL." said Zemroff. "I saw a commercial on tv and a guy pushed a different guy and a girl into the water."

Elsa was surely confused for a second. Her eyes flickered to all directions, seeking comfort in something else than Zemroffs twirled face. A bigger failure was not seen since Sir Khamel fell off his steed in the eastern ymeria. Of course, this is just a wild guess.

"Lolololololololol." Zemroff spurted out. "Let me give you a haircut."

"But Zemroff, my hair is filthy." Elsa replied. "It will ruin the scissors."

Zemroff thought for a moment. In return, Elsa started making noises wilder than words can express. Yours truly, Zakarum.

"I will just use my butter knife." And in a swoop he cut off all her hair. Someone should have recorded this and put it on youtube.

Oh no. It seems that Zemroff used the wrong butter knife. Now Elsas head is rolling on the floor, laughing it's butt off. Half of it, of course, was a joke.

"I didn't pay attention, lol." Said Zemroff.

The story is happy end.

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