Their Missing & I'm Scared

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"Mum, Dad! I'm home!" I said as I walked through the door, but no one responded.

I called out again but the silence was never broken.

I started to panic, like really panic. I decided to call my mum and I heard her phone ringing. I ran up the stairs to find her phone buzzing on her bedside table, but she was no where to be found. So I called dad but it went straight to his voicemail. I left about 5 voice messages on his phone asking him to call me back ASAP!

I searched the whole entire house - every room - and when I checked the garage their car was gone.

"Shit!" Was my only reaction at the time, then I ran up to my room and shut my door behind me. I sat down on my bed with tears in my eyes, trying to break free. I unlocked my phone and went into my contacts. I just sat there and stared at 2 contacts that I could probably only talk to at the moment. Joel and Benji. I went onto Benji's contact and pressed the phone button. Then it started ringing ...

Phone Call ~

"Hello, Benji speaking"

"Hi Benj, it's Steph from the concert"

"Oh hey Steph! Don't worry, I know who you are! I could never forget you"


"Is there something wrong Steph?"

I'm pretty sure he heard snuffles and knew something was wrong.


I was balling my eyes out at the point.

"Benj, I don't think I've ever been this scared."

"Why? What's happened?" He asked in a concerned voice

"It's my parents" - (pause - I took a deep breathe) - " I can't find them Benji"

"Oh my god! Seriously?"

"Yes Benj! I'm serious"

"Ok, here's what I'm going to do. I need you to end the call, send me your address and me and Joel will come straight to you. Don't go anywhere! Ok?"


End of phone call ~

I texted Benji my address and he replied ...

Text ~

"Thnx! J and I r on our way now. C u soon :) x"

"Ok! C u soon! xx"

I had gone downstairs to watch TV until they got here. I decided to change their contact names to J and B just cause I wanted to. 20 mins had passed and I was lying on the couch about to drift off to sleep when my phone started buzzing. It was J.

"Hey Steph! 😃"

"Hey J 😊"

"How u holding up"

"Meh 😒"

"B and I r nearly there"


"So what r u doin?"

"Lying on the couch watching TV"

"Cool! What show?"

"Teen Wolf!! Best TV series EVER! 💙"

"Haha! Yea it's a pretty good show!"

"Anyway, we will c u in about 5 ok."

"Ok. C u soon! xx"

Joel and Benji were the only ones I had told about my parents going 'missing'. A couple of mins later I heard a knock on my front door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Joel and Benji just stood their looking as sexy as ever and I gestured for them to come in. They greeted me with a big hug each and a kiss on the cheek. Even though I've only really known them for about 48 hrs it feels like I've known them forever - they are like my brothers! We sat on the couch and started talking about my parents.

"So what exactly happened?" Joel asked.

"Well Bella and I stayed in the city last night and caught the bus home this afternoon. We went to her house first and then I came straight home. I walked in the door and the only thing in the house was silence!"

"And you've checked everywhere?" Asked Benji

"Yes, the only things here is my mums phone and my car"

"Ok. Is there anything on her phone like a message or something?" Benji replied

"Not that I've seen" I ran upstairs and grabbed her phone and walked back downstairs to the lounge room.

"Ok let's have a look." We checked on notes and there was nothing. We looked on her messages and the last person she was talking to was Sharon, Jess's mum.

"Who's Sharon?" Asked Joel

"One of my best friends' mum. I've known them since year 4!"

Geez! Thinking about it now, that's been 8 and a bit years!

"Would she know anything about where your parents are?" Benji suggested

"I'll ask." I added Sharon's number into my phone and called her. It went straight to her voicemail so I left a message ~

Message ~

Hi Sharon, it's Steph! I'm pretty sure you remember me. Jess and I are good friends! Anyway, If you could please call me back as soon as you get this message that would be great. Thank you.

End of message ~

"Now we just have to wait for her to call back." I said and we all sat there waiting. It was about 7:00 pm and we were getting hungry so I suggested fish and chips. They agreed and within 30 mins we were eating fish and chips. (That I cooked)

Ever since I saw Sharon's name in my mums messages I couldn't get Jess out of my mind. I was tossing up wether or not I should call her because I still had her number after all these years. After I had finished eating I went into the lounge room and stared at my phone. The only question in my head was should I or not? I eventually gave in and called her. I was sort of hoping she would pick up but then I was also hoping that she wouldn't because I didn't know what I would say. It then went silent and a voice started speaking.

Phone call ~


"Hi, is this Jess?"

"Yes it is. Who's this ... ?"

"It's Steph"

"OHMYGOD! Steph!! It's been ages! How have you been?"

"Haha hey Jess! I know right, such a long time! I'm doing alright I guess. How about you?"

"Yea I'm good! What do you mean 'I guess'. Is something wrong?"

I wasn't sure if I should tell her my after all she was my best friend and I trusted her just as much as Bella, so I decided to tell her what happened.

"Oh no Steph! That's terrible. Do you have any idea where they might be?"

"No I don't! I checked my mums phone to see if she has left a message or anything but there wasn't anything there, but I looked at her messages and the last person she was talking to was your mum."

"Oh! Really?" She asked quite surprised.

"Yes and I called your mum it went straight to her voicemail."

"Well, I'll ask my mum now if she knows anything, ok?"

"Ok thanks Jess"

"No worries! I'll text you later! Byeee"


End of phone call ~

As soon as I ended the call Benji and Joel both walked in and just looked at me.


"Nothing" they both said and sat on the couch.

"No seriously, what is it?"

"It's nothing! Don't worry about it" Joel said

And I didn't worry about it, I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted my parents back home, and even if that's not possible I just want to know that they are safe. I thought that as I was walking upstairs into my room. I lied on my bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

(A/N) ok guys! I hope you like this chapter! Going to start the next one right now. Comment and vote please! Thanx - it means a lot! :) xx 💙

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