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" Don't be afraid. "  he whispered as his face was right next to my ear.

" I, I'm not afraid. " I stuttered.

" I beg to differ, babe. the stuttering, the chill bumps on your skin, admit it babe.. I scare you. "  he whispered harshly into my ear, his eyes.. turning black.

I honestly was scared, who wouldn't be scared?

the room's extremely dark, I don't even know why I'm in here, I should be downstairs at the party, I was only looking for my best friend, Mai who said she wouldn't leave me.

he then slowly started to rock his body against mine and I freaked out.

I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine and I ran downstairs.

I was hurringly looking for Mai, to tell her I was leaving.

thankfully, I demanded we drived seperate.

" Valetine! " someone shouted from behind me.

I turned around and it was Mai.

" Mai, I'm going home! " I said, I was shaking..

" what's wrong?! what happened? " she asked.

I was about to answer, but I seen Harry.. his eyes.. his eyes, their black.

" I'll see you at school tomorrow! " I said and ran to my car.

when I was puling out, Harry stood on the porch, a smirk, one green eye, and a black eye.

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