Yuuta's B'day (Line)

90 3 6

23 December

*they all make another group without Yuuta*
Akane: So, what should we give him?
Kento: Don't know. He likes everything.
Ryuuji: Some sweets.....
Goshi: That's what you like Bushy Brows.
Ryuuji: Don't say that!!!
Kazuna: Maa maa ^^;;;
Tomohisa: Someone please suggest something. Before I ended up getting him more than you could imagine.
Hikaru: I'll probably buy some strawberry milk........
Mikado: Because almost Christmas, I'll give him chocolates!!
Goshi: Cream soda would do......
Kento: Probably some vitamins and stuff.
Miroku: ^2
Tatsuhiro: ^3
Haruhi: Me and Yuzuki would buy him some accessories.
Momotarou: Maybe some collectibles.
Mikado: @Momotarou Count me in!!!
Tomohisa: Whatever. I'll buy him a motorcycle.
Akane: OwO......
Hikaru: Sasuga Ouji......
Mikado: That's Ouji for you.......

-meanwhile on the main group-
Yuuta: Guys.
Yuuta: Um.... Hello?
Yuuta: Guys, where are you?
Yuuta: Hello....?
Yuuta: Guys......
Yuuta: I want to move the ornaments......
Yuuta: Uh..
Yuuta: Guys?.....
Yuuta: Okay.

So, at the end, Yuuta got those gifts. And of course it's all a surprise.
Sorry for a short part. But tell me if you guys want to read the surprising story of Yuuta's B'day.
That's for now. It's late here 00:02 ; 24 Dec.
So, till tomorrow
Auf Wiedersehen~~

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